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If you are thinking of taking the SAT as you start your journey into college, Varsity Tutors could help you make the most of your studies with an Omaha SAT course. An Omaha SAT course can help you get prepared for exam day. You may not be thinking about college now, but most high school students will take a college admissions exam during their junior or senior year. Many high school students, like those who attend Creighton Preparatory School and Millard North High School, will take the SAT as their admissions exam of choice. The score you receive on the SAT could play a role in where you get accepted and where you end up attending college. You could end up having more options if you get a good score on your SAT.

There are four sections on the SAT. Whether you have just started thinking about college or you are taking your exam soon, an Omaha SAT course could help you boost your study habits. A course could do good for your study skills, no matter where you are in the SAT review process.

What will an Omaha SAT course cover?

The SAT has three required sections, which are Writing and Language, Reading, and Math. The SAT also has an optional Essay. If you do not take the Essay, you will get three hours to complete the exam. You will receive 50 more minutes to complete the exam if you take the Essay. Your SAT course will cover all sections, of course. We will now look closer at the sections so you can get more familiar with their content.

The first section to go over is Writing and Language. For this section, you will answer 45 questions in 35 minutes. The score you receive on this section will be combined with the Reading section for a total of 200 to 800 points. You will answer questions based on the passages provided. Some passages may have tables or charts, but you will not need to do any math. All questions are multiple choice. Some of the skills assessed here are your ability to express your thoughts and ideas, your ability to understand English conventions, use evidence, use context, and analyze history and science.

The next section to go over is the Reading section. You must answer 52 questions in 65 minutes. As stated before, the Reading section and Writing and Language section will receive a combined score. Again, you will have to answer questions on passages. One passage will be related to economics, psychology, or sociology. Another will come from literature. A pair of passages will be from the United States founding documents or documents inspired by them. Finally, a few passages will be on Earth science, biology, chemistry, or physics. You will demonstrate the ability to use context, analyze history and science, express your own thoughts and ideas, and understand English conventions.

The last required section is Math. You will have 80 minutes to answer 58 questions. The Math section is scored from 200 to 800. There are two parts to this section. One part you can use a calculator on and the other part you cannot. You will demonstrate your ability to understand the structure of expressions; analyze, rewrite, and manipulate expressions; solve linear equations, and use data to solve problems. You will also be tested on fluency, conceptual understanding, and applying your skills to a real-world situation.

The Essay is an optional section. You will receive a prompt and will be given 50 minutes to complete it. The Essay is scored from 6 to 24. You will have to read a passage and consider the writer's persuasive and stylistic elements, reasoning, and evidence. Next, you will write an analysis of these elements. The skills that you will be assessed on are reading, writing, and analysis.

The SAT is a very popular admissions exam. It can demonstrate how ready you are for college to an admissions board. Every year there are six testing dates. You can be seated at 7:45 AM. The test starts between 8:30 AM and 9:00 AM. Make sure to have your ID on you before you leave for your exam. You will get two breaks during your exam period, but make sure to keep your phone off. If you take the Essay, you will be done with your exam around 1 PM. If you do not take the exam, you will be dismissed around noon. Always make sure to answer all the questions. There is no penalty for guessing!

How will I benefit from taking an Omaha SAT class?

All SAT classes are held online while still maintaining a learning and collaborative environment. Being a high school student most likely means you have lots of commitments. Between sports, a part-time job, and homework, it can get tricky trying to find time for an SAT class. This is why we have new classes that start every week. The classes are also very flexible, with evening and weekend options. Best of all, you will never have to commute to a class since they are 100% online. Once you pick the class length, either two weeks or four weeks, you can start your Omaha SAT class.

All SAT classes are live sessions, so classes are very interactive. All classes also have a live instructor and real classmates, just like an in-person classroom. In class, you will get a chance to collaborate with people who are in the same situation as you are. This can give you the confidence you need to study hard and solve problems. If you get stuck on a Math problem, you can solve it with your peers. If you are really stuck on a concept, you can always ask your instructor, who can happily assist you. An SAT class is set up to help you study your hardest and get assistance when needed.

How can I get enrolled in an Omaha SAT prep course?

Contact an educational consultant at Varsity Tutors to get enrolled in a class. You can contact us by phone or online. We look forward to helping you on your journey to the SAT!

Contact us today to connect with a top Omaha SAT instructor