High-Dosage Math Tutoring for K-12 School Districts

Our user-friendly platform helps districts scale high-impact, high-dosage math tutoring aligned to your educational goals.

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Study shows more than 2X growth in math proficiency for students who participated in tutoring with Varsity Tutors for Schools.

We improve learning outcomes for students.

  • Leveraging pre and post-assessment scores, we demonstrate tutoring impact.
  • Work with district leaders and research partners to implement efficacy studies.
  • Apply learnings to continually refine our methods and interventions, ensuring the most effective tutoring solutions for students and districts.

1-On-1 & Small Group Tutoring

For K-12 Students For High-Impact Math Tutoring

Subjects such as Algebra, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Statistics, Trigonometry, ACT, SAT, GED, and more

  • Elementary School
  • Middle School
  • High School

Math Tools That Multiply Understanding


How other distric leaders are doing high-dosage math tutoring

Polka County-logo

Polk County Public Schools

Classroom aligned high-dosage tutoring in mathematics in elementary, middle and high schools across the district. Students improved by 25.4 points, compared to 20 points for the control group, or 27% more improvement.

Format: Teacher Assigned

Type: Small Group and 1-on-1


Aldine Public Schools

Students work with a consistent tutor in small groups of 5. Students completed Varsity Tutors Assessments and Learning Plans were used to personalize instruction for each group. Participating students averaged 174% improvement in mastery between the pre and post assessment.

Format: District Assigned

Type: Small Group


Metuchen Public Schools

Parents schedule math tutoring sessions for students outside the school day. Students shared their homework with tutors during tutoring sessions. Parents report a 98% satisfaction rating and improvements in student confidence and academic performance.

Format: Parent Assigned

Type: 1-on-1


Rigorous vetting process ensures high quality math tutors at scale.

Our rigorous vetting process sets a high bar for talent.

Tutors on our platform have:

  • Subject matter expertise in math
  • Previous tutoring experience in math instruction
  • Proven efficacy with virtual tutoring & teaching
  • Experience teaching to district standards

Personalized Math Instruction For Every Student

personalized math

Implementation models that fit your district’s needs.

Choose an approach or combine approaches to meet the unique needs of your district community.

teacher assigned

Teacher Assigned™ Tutoring

district assigned

District Assigned™ Tutoring

parent assigned

Parent Assigned™ Tutoring

Effective High-Dosage Test Prep Tutoring at Scale

Our comprehensive platform access is available to all students in your district at no cost, allowing you to focus your budget on targeted intervention with high dosage tutoring options. Whether tutoring is managed by district or school staff, assigned by educators, or requested by parents, flexible and effective tutoring options are available for districts to drive learning outcomes.