High-Impact, ESSER-Compliant High-Dosage Tutoring

Join the 500+ districts partnering with Varsity Tutors for Schools to create proven pathways to help eliminate learning loss.

High-Dosage Tutoring, Student Absenteeism and Summer & After School Learning.

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Are you looking for tutoring opportunities?
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What is your zip code?
What is the name of your school/district?
What is your job title?

Two Critical Deadlines


September 30th, 2024

This deadline represents the date by which districts must commit their remaining ESSER III funding. After September 30th, districts will lose any remaining ESSER III funding that has not been committed via contract.

  • Obligation may include entering into multi-year, high-dosage tutoring contracts.
  • Multi-year contracts allow districts purchase tutoring software licenses that can be used over multiple years

January 28, 2025

This represents the date by which districts must actually spend all ESSER III funds, though the goods and services the funding is paying for may continue to be used and delivered through 9/30/2028.

  1. Sign by 09/30/2024

  2. Pay by 01/28/2025

  3. Use by 09/30/2028


Driving Impact Ahead of The ESSER Deadline

Learn how districts can use ESSER III:

  • ESSER III provides substantial funding to help schools address disruptions in learning, focusing on academic recovery and safety.
  • Schools must use funds for evidence-based practices like High-Dosage Tutoring which has been proven to improve student performance.
  • Schools have until September 30, 2024, to commit their ESSER III funds, emphasizing the need for strategic and timely allocation.

Investing in Success Strategies for Funding High-Dosage Tutoring


Schools nationwide are eligible to use funds from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) fund to address pandemic learning loss and support tutoring through 9/30/28, as long as the funds are obligated by 9/30/24.


Per the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE), instead of forfeiting remaining ESSER III funds, schools can enter into multi-year contracts for expenses like high-dosage tutoring delivered via software (e.g. Varsity Tutors for Schools).


The U.S. Department of Education strongly suggests obligating all remaining funding for high-dosage tutoring and student absenteeism programs.

Additional Funding Sources


Effective High-Dosage Test Prep Tutoring at Scale

Our comprehensive platform access is available to all students in your district at no cost, allowing you to focus your budget on targeted intervention with high dosage tutoring options. Whether tutoring is managed by district or school staff, assigned by educators, or requested by parents, flexible and effective tutoring options are available for districts to drive learning outcomes.