Create practice tests and flashcards to help your students study
Design customized tests to share with your various classes. Author original questions, choose from the wide library of existing content we’ve already created, or do a combination of both! You have the freedom to select the answer choices, provide the explanations, and incorporate images, passages, and instructions.

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Monitor the progress of your class and individual students
Detailed data provides you with strong insight into how well your students are performing and where they are strongest vs. weakest. Keep track of their progress in your classroom with our highly comprehensive graphics that display how your students’ results are changing over time.

Invite groups of students to your test with a few clicks
Create and organize your student contacts into groups by their classes. We make it easy for you to assign different tests to your 1st period class than you did for your 2nd period one. Once a student has accepted the emailed invitation, you are able to view and monitor their progress over time.
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