Vocabulary and Word Skills, p. 4

Word Study Resources
Etymology Words with Multiple Meanings
Prefixes and Suffixes Spelling
Vocabulary Word Roots
Words at Play

Tell Me a Picture: Increasing K-3 Vocabulary through Wordless Picture Books and Artist Prints
By integrating learning about art and about literacy in both their classroom setting and in the art room, teachers can help students to expand their vocabularies. By the end of this unit, they will be able to describe locations in a piece of art and in the illustrations of a book.

To, Too, or Two: Developing an Understanding of Homophones
In this minilesson, students begin by generating a list of homophones with which they are familiar. Students then listen to a song, identify homophones in the song, and discuss their meaning and spelling. Finally, student groups create a skit that depicts the meaning of a homophone. As the group performs the skit, their classmates attempt to guess the homophone that is on display. Groups finish the lesson by creating a comic strip version of their skit to be compiled into a class "homophone book."

Vocab Ahead
Vocabulary video and flash cards for secondary students. Includes pronunciation, SAT/ACT words. Registration is required, but it's free.

Software to build vocabulary quizzes. Click on "Vocabulary Test" for free online quizzes.

Don't miss the Vocabulary Challenge, in which students check their knowledge of SAT-level words. Hints are available, and incorrect responses receive an explanation.

Vocabulary Builder
Online, interactive practice with words from tests like SAT, GRE, and GMAT. Includes definition, words in context, and practice with antonyms.

Vocabulary Games: Tell the Round Robin Story
Students review vocabulary by inventing narratives in a circle, one sentence at a time. Watch the video (1:28), read the directions.

Vocabulary Magic
This lesson will take words that are unknown to students and teach students how to determine their meanings. Students will exhibit expanded vocabulary and sentence awareness by writing a story using new vocabulary words. This lesson uses the book Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell and includes handouts. It is designed for second grade.

Vocabulary Web Games
This page uses Macromedia Flash for online vocabulary quizzes for young students through SAT/GRE words. Each quiz consists of 10 words with immediate feedback for each item.

Looking for a sponge activity to develop vocabulary? This one is designed for middle school/high school and requires Adobe Reader for access.

Weird plurals: Latin and Greek origins, irregular plural noun forms
Explanation, infographic, downloadable poster.

What's in a Name?
Students consider the etymology of different words, including their own names. They examine how influences from other languages, including computer languages, find their way into English discourse. This lesson is designed for grades 7-9.

Words with Multiple Meanings
Activities for homophones, homonyms, and words with multiple meanings.

Word Wall "Active-ities" Build Vocabulary, Spelling, Writing Skills
Five activities using word walls.

World War I and its impact on English
Nonfiction blog on words and phrases influenced by World War I, including French fries .

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