Sees Behind Trees by Michael Dorris
Lesson plans

Sees Behind Trees
Unit plan includes Big Ideas, synopsis, directed comprehension questions, handout for vocabulary practice, and writing tasks. 7 pages; requires word processor.

Sees Behind Trees
Writing prompt and support activities to guide students through the writing process. Includes graphic organizers, learning activities, model student essay. 7 pages; word processor required.

Sees Behind Trees
Vocabulary words for grade 5.

Sees Behind Trees
In this activity students attempt to identify an object based on its sound.

Sees Behind Trees : Bonus Words
Additional vocabulary words with pronunciation.

Sees Behind Trees
Assessment questions organized by standard. 4 pages; Adobe Reader required.

Sees Behind Trees
Vocabulary slide presentation.

Sees Behind Trees s
Online spelling and definition practice.

Sees Behind Trees
This flipchart was designed to be used with an interactive whiteboard. It contains an introduction activity to the unit, vocabulary exercises, and comprehension questions that can be used with the story.

Sees Behind Trees
Unit plan with Pre-reading KWL activity, writing tasks, comprehension questions, projects, rubrics, practice with figurative language, and social studies activities. Designed for 8th grade. 27 pages; Adobe Reader required.