Award-Winning Mandarin Chinese Courses & Classes in Dayton, OH

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If you're learning Chinese for the first time, a Dayton Chinese course might really help. You might be learning Chinese for a few different reasons, but the end goal is always the same: gain a deeper understanding of Chinese with the best learning methods available. And because Chinese is such a challenging language, choosing a supplemental Chinese course could be the difference between success and failure.

Understanding a language is very important, especially if you're considering university programs with language requirements, such as those offered by the University of Dayton or Wright State University. Students at Beavercreek High School or Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School might also tackle this challenging language outside of their regular studies. And of course, the Chinese language is immensely useful in the international business community. International relations with all nations are important when dealing with trade, but China represents a massive part of global trade. Learning this language could be a valuable career asset.

Mandarin Chinese is the most common language on Earth. You'll find plenty of these speakers in mainland China, but also throughout the entire world. China also includes many different dialects, and they're all unique. Cantonese is the second most common Chinese dialect, and it's especially common in the United States. Even though Cantonese and Mandarin share the same written language, their spoken languages are quite different. When Cantonese and Mandarin speakers try to have a conversation, it's very hard for them to understand each other. In Chinese culture, they call this "the chicken talking to the duck." The Chinese written language might be shared across multiple dialects, but it's quite unique compared to other languages. Chinese is the only modern pictographic language. This means words and entire phrases are sometimes represented by a single character. There are over 50,000 characters in the Chinese language, and some of these characters are almost 4,000 years old - dating back to the Shang Dynasty.

What Might A Dayton Chinese Course Cover?

As you take your first Chinese course, you'll quickly learn that this language shares almost nothing in common with English. This complete lack of similarity is the main reason why Chinese is considered one of the hardest languages for English speakers. But your Chinese course will take things one step at a time, gradually challenging you with new concepts at an acceptable pace. One of the hardest things you'll learn is the tonal system of Mandarin Chinese. There are four tones in Mandarin Chinese: falling, rising, flat, and rising then falling. You'll need to learn these various tones in order to speak Chinese fluently. Identical words with different tones could have completely different meanings. Your course will spend a lot of time on this particular topic, and you'll have plenty of opportunities to practice with your fellow classmates.

You might be surprised to learn that some elements of Chinese are actually pretty straightforward in comparison to English. Pluralization is a great example of this. Chinese nouns don't really have a pluralization system, unlike English which adds an "s" to plural nouns. This is one of those rare cases where Chinese is actually less complex compared to the English language!

In order to speak fluent Chinese, you'll need to learn plenty of common phrases. When you practice these common phrases with your classmates, and you'll gain a deeper understanding of the Chinese spoken language through practice and experience. The Chinese language also has a unique gendered pronoun system. Although masculine and feminine nouns sound identical, there's slightly different pronunciation involved. Your course will also cover plenty of other useful topics, such as verb conjugation, pronunciation, grammar and sentence structure, and much more. In addition, you'll spend plenty of time building up your Chinese vocabulary. Many of these concepts require tons of practice and memorization, and that's exactly what you'll get with a Chinese course.

How Does A Dayton Chinese Course Help You Learn?

Your Dayton Chinese course is a little different compared to a traditional classroom setting. For many students, this innovative system might actually be a welcome change from the norm, as we all have different learning styles. Evidence suggests that group-based, collaborative learning systems are especially beneficial for all students. As you join this virtual classroom, you'll learn Chinese alongside other students. You can interact, ask questions, and voice your opinions at any point. Your fellow students will do the same, and it might be very helpful to hear other people speaking Chinese around you. All courses are taught by qualified, expert instructors. These instructors are chosen not only for their Chinese knowledge but also for their overall communication skills. If you need extra help at any point, you can easily ask for one-on-one time with your instructor.

How Do You Sign Up For A Dayton Chinese Class?

Enrolling in one of these classes is easy. No matter what your schedule looks like, there's a class that fits. You can take classes on the weekends, at night, or even during your lunch break. Many time slots are available to suit your schedule, whether you're a busy working professional or a student with a massive course load. Classes also start up each month, so you won't have to wait too long before getting started. For even greater flexibility, you can choose between either a two-week or a four-week Dayton Chinese class.

Without the right educational tools, learning Chinese could be difficult. But when you choose a learning system with great instructors and an innovative approach, you could gain a much deeper understanding of Chinese that you ever thought possible. While you can definitely attempt to teach yourself Chinese, these classes can help you learn more efficiently. There are plenty of benefits when it comes to learning Chinese - both academic and professional. But at the end of the day, one of the most exciting things about learning Chinese is the prospect of overcoming a major challenge. These classes can help you with that challenge. Enroll in a Dayton Chinese class today by contacting Varsity Tutors for all the information you'll need to get started.

Contact us today to connect with a top Dayton Mandarin Chinese instructor