Award-Winning NCLEX Courses & Classes in Pittsburgh, PA

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Varsity Tutors can get you set up with a Pittsburgh NCLEX prep course that may be just what you need to take your studies to a new level. Whether you're studying nursing at the University of Pittsburgh, Duquesne University, or any other school in the area, If you're pursuing licensure as a Registered Nurse or a Practical Nurse, you'll be required to pass the NCLEX. Passing the NCLEX may be one of the last hurdles between you and a career as an RN or PN, and Pittsburgh NCLEX prep can provide you with the guided, systematic review of nursing concepts that you may need to get ready for the test, so you can bring all that hard work to fruition.

What material will a Pittsburgh NCLEX course cover?

The NCLEX, or National Council Licensure Examination, comes in two forms, the NCLEX-RN (NCLEX for Registered Nurses) and the NCLEX-PN (NCLEX for Practical Nurses). There are some minor differences between the two - for example, the NCLEX-PN includes a Coordinated Care section that isn't present on the NCLEX-RN - but beyond some differences in curriculum, the tests are quite similar. In either case, you'll be primarily tested on your understanding of Client Needs. You'll have to incorporate concepts from the Social, Physical, and Biological Sciences as you answer questions related to Client Needs, as well as integrating processes like Communication and Documentation, or the Teaching/Learning relationship between nurse and client, into your approach. The breadth and depth of subject matter at hand can seem intimidating at first glance, but a Pittsburgh NCLEX course can help you approach subsections one at a time and build your proficiency in a directed way.

Test-taking skills are useful on any test, but you may find them particularly important on the NCLEX, due to the unique way that the test is presented. The NCLEX uses a Computerized Adaptive Testing system that adjusts the difficulty of the test on the fly. Each time you answer a question, the computer will re-estimate your abilities based on all your previous answers, and each successive question is intended to offer you a 50/50 chance at answering correctly based on the computer's current estimation of your skill. As you work, the assessment gradually becomes more precise. This means that you can't revisit questions or change answers but a Pittsburgh NCLEX class can help you learn to balance the need to answer questions as accurately as possible with the need to maintain a good pace on the test.

How will a Pittsburgh NCLEX course be taught?

If you choose to enroll, you'll learn alongside your peers in an online classroom environment, where you'll be taught by an expert NCLEX instructor. Thanks to video chat technology, the class works very similarly to a traditional classroom. You'll be able to see and speak with the rest of the class, and you'll be given lessons and led in reviewing topics like Pharmacological Therapies or Physiological Adaptation by your instructor. Your instructor may also choose to break the class into groups for discussion and activities which can put you into conversation with diverse voices and give you a new perspective on nursing concepts. You may be able to imagine how useful a collaborative environment like this can be when you're studying how to respect the Culture and Spirituality of the client in a nursing environment, to give one example. You'll also be able to request one-on-one time with your instructor outside of class so you can clarify any topics that you're struggling with.

The online format of the course allows you to take control of your studies in certain ways. For one thing, you'll be able to access the course from anywhere you have an internet connection so you can work in an environment that you find comfortable and productive. You'll also be able to pick from a wide range of course meeting times so even if you have a demanding schedule, you can find a course that works for you. An online course also doesn't require you to commute so you can save both money and valuable study time.

How can I get signed up?

If you contact Varsity Tutors, we'd be happy to provide you with more information about what you can expect from a Pittsburgh NCLEX class. We can also talk through scheduling. Classes start every month. The NCLEX is a challenge, but with the right resources, you can start working towards your goals of licensure as a Registered Nurse or Practical Nurse. Give us a call and get started today.

Contact us today to connect with a top Pittsburgh NCLEX instructor