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Varsity Tutors is exactly what my son needed...In just a few weeks he had a better grasp on Spanish 4 and raised his grade significantly! I highly recommend them to anyone needed additional help! Thank you!

— VT Parent

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James is incredibly knowledgeable with the German language. He explains things in a way that is easy to understand and helps tremendously with pronunciation. He also gives vocabulary that is useful for everyday conversations, but also tailors it to words that I personally need for my studies. My German comprehension has increased dramatically in the 2 months I’ve been working with him.

— Leah D

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Varsity Tutors has conducted over 130k hours of live instruction in foreign languages since 2008

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Your child's learning style is unique. We've successfully matched hundreds of thousands of learners to the exact right instructors to help them succeed.

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I have always wanted to learn Spanish and never have I been able to really do so. With Varsity Tutors and my fabulous tutor, I now can have real conversations. The interface is easy, my tutor can see my work and correct it with a white board function. Very pleased.

— James L

What's your current level in German?
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Varsity Tutors has conducted over 130k hours of live instruction in foreign languages since 2008

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Your learning style is unique. We've successfully matched hundreds of thousands of learners to the exact right instructors to help them succeed.

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Our Spanish instructor at Varsity Tutors is very engaging and encourages both our understanding of the material as well as correct pronunciation. He is encouraging us at every turn and in just 2 lessons we have learned a great deal from him. We would recommend people to check into VT for learning a new language!

— Yusuf

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Your satisfaction is guaranteed — if for any reason you’re not satisfied after your initial session, we’ll find a better fit. And your next session will be free of charge.


You can start getting more out of your German language learning opportunities by signing up for a German class with the help of Varsity Tutors. Taking a German class can be beneficial for students in college or high school who are learning this language as a part of their degree or graduation requirements. Courses can also be helpful for individuals who want to learn German as a means of professional or personal development. Whatever your goals are for learning German, you can start making more effective and efficient progress by signing up to take a German course.

When you sign up for our German course, you'll learn from an expert instructor who knows what it takes to help students develop a better understanding of the language. You'll also study alongside a group of students who are also passionate about learning the German language. A course can supplement your education and give you more practice using the new German skills that you're learning. In all, German classes provide a unique way to get more from your language learning opportunities.

Do you think that you would benefit from taking a German class? If so, then the easiest way to get started with one is by contacting us directly. We can help you select the right German course for your specific needs and can then get you enrolled in it quickly so that you can start learning soon. You can also keep reading below to get more information on how taking a German class can supplement your language learning efforts.

Why Should You Learn German?

German is one of the world's most popular languages. There are over 90 million native speakers of German worldwide. These individuals typically live in countries where German is the official language. This is a group of countries that includes places like Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, where German is one of the country's three official languages. German is a language that belongs to the same language group as English which means that it shares some important similarities with English. For this reason, German can be a good choice for students looking to add a second language to their skill set.

Written German is mostly uniform across the three countries where it is an official language. However, different dialects exist in spoken German. For instance, high German is spoken in the central and southern highlands of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Low German, on the other hand, is more popular in the lowlands of northern Germany. If you're interested in communicating with people from a specific part of a German-speaking country, then you may want to spend some time learning the dialect that these individuals use so that you can communicate with them more effectively. For the most part, though, students study High German since it is the primary form of communication for education and the media.

You may have decided to study German for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you're interested in literature or films from a German-speaking nation. If so, then learning the German language is a great way to connect with those art forms in a more authentic way. Or, perhaps you plan on finding a career that involves working with German-speaking individuals. Whatever your reasons are for studying this language, taking a German course can help you learn the skills that you'll need to pursue your German language goals with more confidence.

What Type of Content is Covered in German Classes?

Although German belongs to the same linguistic family as English, it is still an entirely unique language. That means you'll need to learn a lot of different things in order to utilize the language for both writing and speaking. These skills are something that taking German classes can help you hone. When you sign up to take a class, you'll be able to go over the most important aspects of the German language. For example, your instructor can help you with things like German nouns, verb conjugation, pronunciation, sentence structure, and grammar, among other important topics.

German is like a lot of languages in that it assigns each noun a gender. The genders that you'll need to learn about while studying German are masculine, feminine, and neuter. Nouns in German are also inflected by case and number. The cases of German nouns are nominative, accusative, genitive, and dative. Similarly to other languages, German nouns can also be either singular or plural. Taking a German class is a great way to learn more about the complex rule system that German-speakers use when referencing a noun. Your instructor can go over the rules that govern nouns in the German language so that you can start identifying the case, gender, and number of the German nouns that you're studying.

Similarly, German adjectives are also influenced by the noun that they refer to. In other words, the adjectives that you use in German will have different endings depending on the case, gender, and number of the noun that they're referencing. This is another aspect of the German language that you can learn about when you sign up to take a German language class.

Your class can also help you develop a better understanding of German sentence structure. The way sentences are put together is fairly strict in the German language. Typically, the verb in a German sentence will be the second word you use. For example, if you wanted to tell someone that you have a dog in German, you would say "Ich habe einen hund." Here, "habe" is the verb in the sentence. However, things change a bit when you want to use the past tense in German. German usually use the verb "haben" to reference an event from the past. In this scenario, you would use the correct conjugation of "haben" as the second word of your sentence. Then, if there are additional verbs that you want to use, you would put those at the end of the sentence in their non-conjugated form. For example, "I saw a dog" becomes "Ich habe einen hund gesehen."

German sentence structure can be somewhat complex at first glance. That's why it's important to practice using them yourself. This is something that taking a class can help you do. You'll get a chance to learn rules like the ones referenced above. Then, you'll also get the opportunity to practice using those skills through exercises and collaboration with the other students from your class.

What Are The Benefits of German Classes Near Me?

Classes offer a number of unique benefits that can help you develop your understanding of the German language. They can also be used to supplement the work that you're doing in a German class at school or as a standalone way to begin learning the language. Whatever your German skill level currently is, you can start progressing toward your goals by signing up to take a course with the help of Varsity Tutors.

Your course will give you the opportunity to learn from an experienced German language instructor in a unique environment. Each course takes place on a powerful online learning platform that replicates the traditional classroom learning experience. Your educator will deliver a series of live lectures to you and a number of your German language learning peers. You can participate in these lectures from anywhere that you have an internet connection. That means you can get the help that you've been looking for with the German language without even having to leave the comfort of your home.

During your lessons, you'll be able to interact directly with your instructor just like you would be able to in a traditional classroom setting. You can see them, hear them, and ask them questions when you encounter a German topic that you don't quite understand. Your classmates will be able to interact with your instructor in the same way. Thus, you can see what types of questions other students are asking, and that may help you approach your work with the topic you're learning about in a different way that you hadn't thought about before.

You'll also be able to work with your classmates directly throughout your class meetings. For example, you can work with them on group exercises that give you a chance to practice the German skills that you're learning in a more realistic setting. Plenty of practice is the best way to make the topics you're learning second nature to you, and you'll get that opportunity when you sign up to take a German course.

Broadly speaking, when learning any new language, it's important to practice utilizing what you're studying to truly understand it. This is one of the key benefits of signing up to take German courses. You can communicate with your educator in German and can also communicate with your classmates in German. This opportunity can help you hone your German language skills in ways that often aren't possible when studying the language alone. You could participate in role plays, group projects, group discussions, and other exercises that simulate German language immersion.

Where and When Can I Attend a German Class Near Me?

One of the other key benefits of taking a German class is their inherent flexibility. When you sign up for a class, you'll find that you have a number of different options to choose from. For instance, there are two and four-week German class options available. New courses begin monthly as well, so there are always new ways that you can pursue an enhanced understanding of the German language.

These courses meet on different days and at different times throughout the week. That means there are plenty of different options to choose from. Do you only have time to study German after work? Conversely, you might only have time to fit a German class into the afternoon. Whatever your specific scheduling requirements are, chances are you can find a class that allows you to get help with your German studies without having to make sacrifices in the other important parts of your life. If you're not sure which option to pick, we can help you with that too.

When you reach out to us to sign up for your course, you won't have to do the work of finding the right class option for you, either. You can simply tell us a little bit about your scheduling requirements and when you'd like to take a class. Then, we can help you identify the right option for your specific needs. This makes it realistic for just about anyone to sign up for a German class. We'd love to help you find the right learning plan for your needs. Reach out to us if you'd like some assistance with this process.

How Can I Get Started?

German is a popular foreign language to learn for a variety of reasons. You may have decided to study German as a means of satisfying your graduation requirements in high school. Perhaps you're studying German to prepare for a career that will require you to speak directly with German-speaking individuals. Other learners simply study German because they're interested in the language and the culture of German-speaking countries. Whatever your reasons for studying German are, taking a class is a great way to start building stronger skills in the language.

Do you think that you would benefit from taking a German class? If so, then consider reaching out to Varsity Tutors directly today. We'd love to help you find the right learning plan for your needs and can get you started soon. You'll learn from an experienced German language instructor who can accelerate your learning process. Our class could be just what you need to start making the progress that you've been looking for. We'd love to help you get more out of your German language learning opportunities, and we can’t wait for you to see how much progress you can make quickly when you have the right guidance. We hope to hear from you soon and look forward to working with you.

Contact us today to connect with a top German instructor