John Milton
Lesson plans for Paradise Lost and other poetry

| Biography and Background | | Paradise Lost | | Other Poems |

Biography and Background

The Milton-L Home Page
Audio files of Milton's poetry, links to other resources.

Milton Reading Room
Links to poetry and prose along with a bibliography of criticism.

Paradise Lost

John Milton Study Questions
This page presents writing and discussion questions on Paradise Lost .

Milton: Paradise Lost
This study guide covers books 1 and 2 of Paradise Lost .

Lecture on Milton's Paradise Lost
These lecture notes include background information about epic poetry and the Protestant Reformation as well as critical commentary.

Paradise Lost
Several teaching resources here: an anticipation guide, a Cloze activity, a unit overview using Bloom's Taxonomy, vocabulary activities, and more.

Paradise Lost , The Arguments
A synopsis of each book.

Paradise Lost : Chronology
Chronological order of key events.

Paradise Lost : Guide to Interpretation
Critical commentary and lists of motifs to watch for.

Paradise Lost : Modes and Genres
A list of literary terms and concepts related to the epic.

An extensive study guide, with summaries of each book, biography, essays and criticism, Biblical allusions, links to related works of art, and 301 questions and answers.

Paradise Lost in Context
Background information. Follow the links to the left for additional support.

Paradise Lost
Plot summary, discussion of style, imagery, themes, more.

Other Works

John Milton, Complete Poems
Links to poetry, including "Lycidas," "L'Allegro," "Il Penseroso," "On His Blindness," Paradise Lost , Paradise Regained , "Samson Agonistes," and many others.

Renaissance Poetry Jigsaw Lesson
Students work in small groups. Each group learns about one English poet from this era, and then each group teaches the others.