Don Freeman
Lesson plans for Corduroy and Dandelion

Comparing & Contrasting Real & make-believe bears
Student pairs create a Venn Diagram in their Bear Research Journal listing things that are the same and different about real and make-believe bears. This lesson is designed for first grade.

A collection of teacher-generated ideas for working with the book.

These learning activities from Nancy Polette include writing, discussion, and singing.

This lesson begins on p. 20 (24th page of document). It includes pre-reading activities, during-reading questions, and post-reading questions, extension activities, a take-home activity, and printable teddy bears. Adobe Reader required. This document is very large; let it load completely before you work with it.

A Journal for Corduroy: Responding to Literature
After listening to a story, students respond orally and in writing. Designed for grades K-2, this standards-based lesson includes resources, extensions, and assessment.

Discussion questions and a craft activity.

Earl the Squirrel
Summary, analysis, and 3 sets of discussion questions based on themes in the story.