Award-Winning English Tutors in Boston, MA

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We have tutors that specialize in helping students with learning differences.

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Mr. D. was able to keep my daughter engaged and interested the entire session. He made her feel confident with reading. She stated that he was the "best teacher in the world". She gave him two thumbs up and a heart. I'm very pleased with my investment towards my child's education using Varsity Tutors.

— Shakia

Which grade in?

Mr. D. was able to keep my daughter engaged and interested the entire session. He made her feel confident with reading. She stated that he was the "best teacher in the world". She gave him two thumbs up and a heart. I'm very pleased with my investment towards my child's education using Varsity Tutors.

— Shakia

Which grade in?

Mr. D. was able to keep my daughter engaged and interested the entire session. He made her feel confident with reading. She stated that he was the "best teacher in the world". She gave him two thumbs up and a heart. I'm very pleased with my investment towards my child's education using Varsity Tutors.

— Shakia

What year in?

I want to thank VT for connecting me with my English tutor. I'm a 49 yr old that enrolled back in college to complete my degree and I was having the most difficult time meeting the demands of my writing assignments. But fortunately, I was matched with an educator that has made what seemed hopeless in my efforts to write academic papers effectively a piece of cake.

— William R

What prompted you to seek tutoring?

I'm very grateful to have found VT. They made the difference between a pass and fail grade for my son. English was one of his most challenging classes and with Varsity Tutors he passed the course. I'm forever grateful.

— Diane

What prompted you to seek tutoring?

I am very pleased to have found Daura at Varsity Tutors. She is great to work with and helps me with my confidence in writing.

— Bob T

Do they have an IEP or 504 plan? (We have tutors that specialize in learning differences)

The tutor that was paired with my daughter was perfect and fits Bella's needs. Bella struggles with attention and has been on a 504 plan for years. The tools used, the interaction and flexibility are priceless. I was hesitant at first but now I'd do it again and I recommend Varsity Tutors!!

— Isabella W

How soon would you like to get started?
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Understanding your timeframe helps us to develop a tailor-made learning plan just for you.

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We have a 4.9/5 average customer satisfaction rating.

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Varsity tutors helped my son improve his English grade by 32%. Money well spent.

— Pat

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We know every student is unique. And they deserve a tutoring experience as unique as their needs. With thousands of tutors available, we're confident to find the one best for you.


Private English Tutoring in Boston, MA

Our interview process, stringent qualifications, and background screening ensure that only the best English tutors in Boston, MA work with Varsity Tutors. To assure a successful experience, you're paired with one of these qualified tutors by an expert director - and we stand behind that match with our money-back guarantee.

Receive personally tailored English lessons from exceptional tutors in a one-on-one setting. We help you connect with the best tutor for your particular needs while offering flexible scheduling to fit your busy life.

Boston English Tutoring FAQ

Varsity Tutors is the only resource you need if you're looking to connect with the best Boston English tutors for either your student or yourself. English is a broad subject covered on every rung of the educational ladder. A young child learning how to read can be considered to be studying English, as can a university student writing a lengthy thesis on Shakespeare. Considering the breadth of the topic, it's important to find Boston English tutors who specialize in what you're looking for. We can make that search easier than you might expect, so please keep reading to learn more about the benefits of private instruction.

What makes Boston English tutoring a great supplement to classroom learning?

Classroom teachers do their best to reach every student, but the fact that they need to cover a predefined curriculum within the confines of a school year means that they don't have the time to provide individualized support to each student. Boston English tutors can fill this void by allowing you or your student to study at your preferred pace.

For example, let's say that your young learner is having a hard time learning how to read. A private instructor can spend time with them in a one-on-one environment to try and identify where the underlying learning obstacle is, allowing them to develop a customized study plan to address it. Maybe your child needs to study phonics to create a stronger connection between letters and the sounds they make. Perhaps studying common sight words would be a better approach. Either way, Boston English tutors can offer the flexibility to keep reviewing a particular subject until their pupil is ready for a new challenge.

Studying in a private learning environment can also eliminate some of the common distractions that interfere with a student's pursuit of their academic potential. Any questions your student asks can be answered quickly, allowing them to receive assistance before they start to think that they're incapable of reading. Some students are also more comfortable asking a trusted academic mentor for help than a teacher working with more students. A private instructor can even provide prompt feedback on completed assignments to make it easier to learn from mistakes.

Private instructors can also incorporate your student's preferred learning style into Boston English tutoring sessions to help optimize their study efficiency. For example, a visual learner could use flashcards to help them memorize the words on a spelling or vocabulary list, while an auditory learner could benefit more from repeating the terms out loud. There is no universally correct way to study, so why not select a methodology that makes sense for you or your student?

What skills can my student or I review with Boston English tutors near me?

Since English is such a broad subject, the material that is covered during Boston English tutoring sessions largely depends on how old the student in question is. If a young child is just learning how to write, their instructor can provide worksheets to help them practice forming each letter. Children can also benefit from playing educational games to make learning feel like fun instead of being an extension of school.

Students at the middle school level start studying many of the topics that spring to mind when you think of English: grammar (pronouns, punctuation, verb tenses), vocabulary (prefixes, suffixes, synonyms, antonyms), and basic reading comprehension. If your student could retain more of the information they read, Boston English tutors can demonstrate active reading strategies such as how to use a highlighter effectively to make it easier to remember plot details. Similarly, summarizing a story in your own words can be a great way to further your understanding of it.

High school English covers many of the same topics as middle school with one key addition: persuasive writing. Many students have a hard time translating their thoughts into words on the page, so your student could study how to work from an outline during Boston English tutoring sessions to give them something to refer back to if they get stuck. Likewise, your student can also review how to effectively use evidence to support their points.

College-level English doesn't really exist, as most undergraduate courses concentrate on a specific element such as Literature or Writing instead of the general subjects you studied when you were younger. Writing research papers tends to be important in all English courses, so you could rely on Boston English tutors to help you cite your sources appropriately. A private instructor can also provide tips on editing your own work, making it easier to evaluate if your arguments stand up to scrutiny.

Working with private instructors can also be a great way to develop broader study skills. For example, a tutor can color-code a student's notebooks to make it easier to identify what's where at a glance. You can also review test-taking strategies if you have a big exam such as the SAT coming up.

Are you sure I can fit formal Boston English tutoring into my busy schedule?

We understand that you're a busy individual, so we try to take as much of the hassle out of private instruction as possible. We do all of the research that goes into finding you a great instructor, allowing you to trust that you're working with somebody great. In addition, we try to match every student with an instructor capable of accommodating their scheduling needs for added flexibility. We can even set you up with your choice of online or in-person tutoring for your convenience.

If you opt to study online, you or your student will meet your instructor on our exclusive Live Learning Platform. Our Live Learning Platform is an online classroom that can be accessed anywhere with a strong internet connection, allowing you to choose where your study sessions take place. If you want your student to meet their instructor at your dinner table, that's fine. If you would prefer a quieter learning environment such as the Connolly Branch of the Boston Public Library, that's fine too. The choice is up to you.

If you're thinking that online Boston English tutoring sessions couldn't possibly measure up to in-person meetings, think again. Our Live Learning Platform offers a diverse array of features that can deliver a premium study experience comparable to face-to-face sessions. For instance, integrated practice problems and a virtual whiteboard allow students to work side-by-side with their instructor, making it easy to course-correct as necessary. Likewise, video chat capability allows you or your student to see and hear your instructor at all times, making it easier to develop a personal rapport. Best of all, our platform records every session automatically so that you can go back and review previous lessons. Who knew private instruction could be so easy?

Can I connect with Boston English tutors near me today?

If you tried to find qualified Boston English tutors without expert assistance, you would be solely responsible for ensuring that any potential candidate offered a blend of the academic skills, scheduling flexibility, and communication ability you're looking for. Do you really want to add that to your plate? At Varsity Tutors, we specialize in matching students of all ages and ability levels with private instructors who suit their needs. Please contact us online or by phone for more information on how we might be able to assist you. You'll be glad you did!

Your Personalized Tutoring Program and Instructor

Identify Needs

Our knowledgeable directors help you choose your tutor with your learning profile and personality in mind.

Customize Learning

Your tutor can customize your lessons and present concepts in engaging easy-to-understand-ways.

Increased Results

You can learn more efficiently and effectively because the teaching style is tailored to you.

Online Convenience

With the flexibility of online tutoring, your tutor can be arranged to meet at a time that suits you.

Call us today to connect with a top Boston English tutor
(617) 947-9800
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