Award-Winning USMLE Courses & Classes in Detroit, MI

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If you're looking for a comprehensive Detroit USMLE prep course, Varsity Tutors provides a course that covers everything you need to know heading into the exam. The USMLE (or United States Medical Licensing Exam) is a series of three standardized tests taken by individuals looking to earn medical licensure in the United States. They are cumulative, meaning that your knowledge of everything you studied in med schools in and around the Detroit metropolitan area like Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine or Wayne State University School of Medicine could appear on one or more exams. The volume of material is massive, and there's nothing wrong with admitting you might need a little extra help. Contact us today to learn more about the services we can provide.

What subjects can I review in a Detroit USMLE course?

Each of the USMLE exams (called Steps 1, 2, and 3) assess a different academic skill set, so you'll want to take a Detroit USMLE class catered to the specific test you're preparing for. Step 1 is a basic science test that assesses your knowledge of concepts such as skin and subcutaneous tissues, the respiratory system and its associated organs, and the gastrointestinal system. There are a whopping 240 multiple-choice items spread throughout seven 60-minute blocks on the exam, making Step 1 a measure of your mental endurance just as much as your medical knowledge. If you're not sure whether you'll be able to maintain your focus for that long, your USMLE teacher can show you ways to hold your concentration for extended periods of time.

Part 2 of the USMLE is broken into two separate tests taken on different days: Clinical Skills and Clinical Knowledge. The Clinical Skills exam is a practical test measuring how well you can take a patient history, communicate medical advice to your patients, and share your findings with colleagues in the form of "patient notes." Being graded on your social skills is a new experience for most test-takers, so you might practice social interactions with your teacher and peers in order to feel prepared. The Clinical Knowledge test is comparable to Step 1, except that you have 316 multiple-choice questions to answer in eight 60-minute time blocks.

Part 3 may be the most intimidating part of the USMLE. It is divided into two days, the first of which consists of approximately 233 questions given in six 60-minute blocks. The second day has even more multiple-choice questions (approximately 180) plus 13 computer-based case simulations that provide a realistic idea of what it's like to be an attending physician. Your choices have consequences, and one wrong move could result in a virtual patient's death. Your instructor can teach techniques that can help you keep your wits about you as you make these life and death decisions.

What advantages do your Detroit USMLE course offerings provide?

Every Detroit USMLE class offered by Varsity Tutors consists of a group of students meeting a knowledgeable teacher on our exclusive Live Learning Platform, a mobile-friendly tool that allows you to study anywhere with a stable internet connection. You can see and hear your instructor as if you were in the same room, so asking for help is as easy as raising your hand. Your teacher will have undergone an extensive vetting process, so you can trust that all of the information you receive is reliable and up to date.

You can also collaborate with your peers to create a learning environment where everyone can work toward their academic goals. Completing group assignments can encourage you to approach problems in novel ways, potentially allowing you to understand concepts you previously struggled with. Similarly, you and your classmates can help each other out whenever you get stuck. For instance, you can explain the immune system to a classmate who can't seem to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together.

Studying in a group setting provides great value for your money, as you can pool your resources to get better instruction than you might be able to afford on your own. You also have the chance to arrange private study time with your instructor if you ever feel like you could benefit from individualized attention.

We also do everything we can to make enrolling in a class as hassle-free as possible. You never need to commute when taking an online course, which spares you the logistical nightmare that accompanies many competing courses. We also offer multiple sessions concurrently to make it easier to find a fit for your busy schedule. New course sessions start monthly, so you never need to wait too long before getting started.

How do I enroll in a Detroit USMLE course today?

Just use the contact info below to speak with a knowledgeable Educational Consultant who can answer any questions you have regarding a Detroit USMLE class. Varsity Tutors takes great pride in helping students like you prepare for standardized tests, so we hope to hear from you soon!

Contact us today to connect with a top Detroit USMLE instructor