Award-Winning SSAT Courses & Classes in Richmond, VA

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If you're looking to get your student into one of the private schools in and around Richmond, the SSAT is often part of their ticket in. Varsity Tutors can enroll you in a Richmond SSAT course to help them feel ready to do their best.

Private school is often a chance for a student to get the best education and pursue acceptance at a top area school. With acceptance limited at prestigious universities, every part of a student's profile plays a part in determining if your top school has a place for them, and getting an education from a top private school could help a student stand out.

If you think private school is the right path for your student, Varsity Tutors can help your student select a Richmond SSAT class that works with their schedule and can encourage them to reach for greater academic success than they might have thought possible.

How can a Richmond SSAT prep course help a student prepare?

When preparing for the SSAT, your student will take either the Elementary Level, Middle Level or Upper Level test, depending on their grade level. Third and fourth graders test at the Elementary level, fifth through seventh graders test at the Middle level and eighth to 11th graders test at the Upper level. Every student will face a Reading and Verbal section and an unscored Writing prompt, regardless of level. The biggest difference between the tests comes in the Quantitative section, where middle and upper-level students will face two different sections, while elementary school students get just one section of Quantitative questions. The test will also include several unscored Experimental questions, which won't impact your final score. Let's take a deeper look at each section of the test.

During the Reading section, students will show their ability to comprehend passages and obtain and use information out of what they've read. Elementary students will have fewer questions than middle and upper students in this section. They'll answer 28 questions in this section, and they'll answer four questions per passage, for a total of seven passages. Elementary students will have 30 minutes to handle this section. Middle and upper students don't have a set number of passages, but they will have 40 questions based on the passages they've read. Their questions will test them on a more advanced level than the elementary school level, and both middle and upper students will have 40 minutes to handle this section. Given that you'll have just one minute per question in this section, you can expect time management to be part of your preparation when you take a Richmond SSAT course.

In the Verbal section, students will need to show their knowledge and understanding of the English language. Middle and upper-level students will have to display knowledge of different words through synonyms and analogies, and they'll face 30 questions in each category. Speed is vital for these students, as they'll have just 30 minutes to handle the 60 questions in this section. Elementary students will be expected to show their knowledge of what words mean, but their test won't feature the analogies that make up the advanced level exams. Instead, they'll face 30 questions in 30 minutes that show their knowledge of using the right words in the right situations.

In the Quantitative sections, middle and upper students will face two sections each of 25 questions, and they'll have 30 minutes per section to answer them. Different levels of algebra and geometry will make up the bulk of these tests, but students will not be permitted to use a calculator at any point in this section. Elementary school students will have 30 questions in their section, and they'll have to answer them in 30 minutes. Their questions will focus on more basic concepts of math, facing a grade-level appropriate slate of questions.

Finally, a student will face the Writing prompt, which will be sent to every school that you apply to when selecting a school. The writing prompt won't affect your score, but it's still important because it will be part of your portfolio. Middle and upper-level students will be asked to respond to an argument in 25 minutes, while elementary school students will be given a prompt and asked to create a story in response to it.

Your test will also include 16 experimental questions, which won't be scored on your exam. Elementary students receive no penalty for guessing during the SSAT, so it's always better for them to take a guess as opposed to leaving a question blank. Middle and upper-level students, however, will lose a quarter of a point for each incorrect answer. If a student is not sure of an answer, it's sometimes best to leave it blank. If a student can eliminate two of the choices, taking an educated guess could be a good idea.

Whether you're looking for test-taking tips or struggling with mastering the concepts that will be on the SSAT, Varsity Tutors can help. Our team can enroll you in a Richmond SSAT class that helps you feel more prepared and lessens the chance of nerves getting in the way of you doing your best.

What is a Richmond SSAT course like?

When you opt for an SSAT course, your student will be able to learn on a schedule that makes sense for him or her as well as your entire family. Your student will be working with a qualified instructor who understands how to do well on the SSAT and enjoys passing on the tips of success to prospective students. Varsity Tutors understands that scheduling is often difficult, so courses are offered on a weekly basis, and students can choose a two-week or four-week course. Plus, students will be working in a collaborative effort with other students, allowing them to get information from other students that could prove useful on the test.

How can I find a Richmond SSAT class that works for me?

If you're ready to start preparing for the SSAT, Varsity Tutors is ready to help. Contact us to get started with a Richmond SSAT course for your student today.

Contact us today to connect with a top Richmond SSAT instructor