Award-Winning USMLE Test Prep in Omaha, NE

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Varsity Tutors is able to connect you with an Omaha USMLE prep course or a private tutor that can help you move forward on your path toward licensure. The United States Medical Licensing Exam, or USMLE for short, is a three-step exam taken by students who wish to eventually become licensed medical professionals working in the United States. Whether you are a student at the University of Nebraska Medical Center or at another nearby institution, you may be preparing to complete the USMLE. We are able to set you up with the Omaha USMLE prep you may need in order to perform at the top of your game when you sit down to take the test.

What concepts will be covered during Omaha USMLE preparation?

The USMLE can be a big challenge to overcome on your path to becoming a medical professional. While many students opt to complete Step 1 before Step 2, you do have the option of taking Step 2 first. Typically, students will take Step 1 in their second year and take Step 2 in their fourth year. Step 3, however, must be taken only after the first two Steps have been completed. It is important to remember that most medical licensing authorities will require the completion of all three USMLE Steps within a seven-year period, beginning when you pass your first Step.

Each of the three Steps of the USMLE are designed to test different levels of skill required to work in the medical field. Step 1 presents 280 multiple choice questions that will be taken over the course of one day divided into seven 60-minute blocks. Step 2 is broken into two parts: Clinical Knowledge and Clinical Skills. During the Clinical Knowledge portion, you will have eight 60-minute blocks to complete 316 multiple choice questions. When you take the Clinical Skills part of the exam, you will complete 12 patient cases throughout a one-day testing session. Lastly, Step 3 is completed over the course of two days and features over 400 multiple choice questions in total.

What are the benefits of the different types of Omaha USMLE prep?

There are two types of prep that we can set you up with: online courses or private instruction. While most students find that one method appeals to their way of learning more than the other, some students opt to take part in both. Each option provides its own specific benefits, but no matter which option you decide to go with, you will receive accurate information from an instructor you can trust. Let's take a look at the perks of each type of Omaha USMLE prep.

If you prefer working in a collaborative, online environment, you may benefit most from an Omaha USMLE prep class. In each class, you will meet with your instructor and students on an online platform to learn alongside other aspiring medical professionals. The classes may feature group activities that expose you to a wide range of perspectives, as well as the opportunity to receive immediate feedback. Led by an expert instructor, each class will receive a thorough review of the content featured on the exam. You can even request one-on-one time with your instructor to go over topics you may be struggling with, whether that's social sciences or the endocrine system.

If you prefer this type of private instruction, you may benefit most from an Omaha USMLE tutor. Working with your own private instructor will allow you to receive individualized learning experiences during one-on-one sessions. This will ultimately support in-class learning through additional time spent discussing the subject and its concepts. In this setting, you can try multiple approaches and different techniques to solve a problem until you find one that works best for you. Additionally, working with an educated professional can help you establish strong study habits that can aid in information retention and be used throughout the rest of your educational and professional future.

How can I get set up with Omaha USMLE prep?

Whether you decide to go with an online class or individual tutoring, your prep will be led by a qualified instructor who will be able to offer insight into the content and format of the USMLE. We understand that students at The Creighton University School of Medicine and other area learning institutions may be busy, which is why there are plenty of options available to fit into your unique schedule. Contact Varsity Tutors today if you are curious about how professional Omaha USMLE prep can help you prepare to take the exam.

Contact us today to connect with a top Omaha USMLE instructor