The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
Lesson plans and teaching resources

The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
Summary, 11 discussion questions, and activity suggestions.

The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
Students use word parts to create and define an invented word, review elements of the fantasy genre, and learn about anthropomorphism. Designed for grades 4-7; includes printable handouts. Adobe Reader required; 11 pages.

Reading Characters
Students study character traits and use critical-thinking skills to build their understanding of characterization. While connected to The Golden Compass , this lesson can be taught independently. Includes handouts.

Reading Symbols
By studying provided examples, as well as studying their own personal choices, students come to understand that a symbol is a representation of a bigger idea. While connected to The Golden Compass , this lesson can be taught independently. Includes handouts.

I Was a Rat by Philip Pullman
Summary and 10 discussion questions.

Creating a Parallel World
Inspired by the opening events in The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman, students will be asked to create an original parallel world that is similar to ours but different in certain ways. They will focus on the similarities and differences between the two worlds as they create a narrative where a character enters the parallel dimension. Students will develop their ideas, focusing on both the setting and the new characters their protagonist might meet in the parallel world, as well as developing a simple plot. This lesson focuses on idea development and word choice.