William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
Lesson plans and other teaching resources

For introductory, background and other resources, try Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Age . For links to other plays, try the Shakespeare Main Page.

Teacher Guide to Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
How might students use storyboards to demonstrate and to extend their learning? Check the resources here. Includes plot diagram and summary, essential questions, themes, motifs and images, vocabulary, elements of the tragic hero, character maps, ethos, pathos, and logos, more. Note: Storyboard That helps sponsor this site.

60-Second Shakespeare
On this page, a quick summary of the play in tabloid style from the BBC. Follow links to learn how your students can produce something similar.

Cutting Antony's Speeches
Students will perform a close reading of Mark Antony's monologue by cutting the text by 50%. They will evaluate use of tone within the speech and choose appropriate tone words for the monologue. Then they will perform the monologue for the class. Designed for two 45-minute class periods.

Defining Tyranny
Students will focus on gathering support for and elaborating on ideas for an essay of definition on tyranny. This lesson is designed for use after reading the play.

Julius Caesar
Links to the play and a variety of resources related to both the Roman and Elizabethan eras.

Julius Caesar
Study guide questions for each act, two writing prompts.

Julius Caesar
Summary, theme openers, cross curricular activities, research assignments, with a theme of the breakdown of authority.

Julius Caesar
Extensive plot summary. Scroll down for themes, study questions, essay topics, more.

Julius Caesar
Act-by-act study guides, related links.

Julius Caesar
This music video offers an overview of the historical Caesar's life. It could serve as a good introduction to the unit or as a model for a student project.

Julius Caesar
Extensive post-reading activities.

Julius Caesar
Reading strategies, including an anticipation guide and a KWHL activity.

Pause, What Did You Say?: Ambiguity in Iambic Pentameter
Students will analyze ambiguity in Shakespeare's meter using imperfect iambic pentameter lines from Julius Caesar 1.2.1-71. Students will evaluate how the lines reveal character motivation. Designed for one 45-minute class session.

Plutarch's Caesar
Translated by Dryden.

Primary Source Spotlight: Plutarch's Lives of Noble Grecians and Romans
Students will examine primary source materials on history and the supernatural which relate to Julius Caesar. By acting out the scene based on different historical understandings, they will identify facts, theories and similarities in the sources which help explain characters' motivations, decisions, and reactions. Designed for two 45-minute class sessions.

Shakespeare's Julius Caesar : A Paraphrase
An act-by-act paraphrase of the play and a set of links related to both the play and the historical figure.

Solioquies Buster
This strategy helps students deal with a soliloquy. Includes a handout; Adobe Reader or compatible application required for the handout.

Teacher's Guide to Julius Caesar
Overview, study questions, writing prompts, and more. Requires Adobe Reader or compatible application for access.

Vocabulary from Julius Caesar :

Words are presented in context and with definitions. Click on a word for pronunciation, examples of recent use, synonyms, more.

"What, Did Caesar Swoon?": Silent Caesar Scenes
Students will create "silent scenes" of Caesar rejecting and then accepting the crown, in order to better understand the story and its significance. Designed for one 45-minute class session.