Irene Hunt
Lesson plans for Across Five Aprils and other works

Across Five Aprils
This study guide includes plot summary, key quotations, essay topics, and a quiz.

Across Five Aprils
A variety of reading strategies to use with the novel, including an anticipation guide, a guided imagery activity, and materials for a "Teach Each Other" discussion.

Across Five Aprils Teaching Guide
Summary; discussion, role-playing, and crosscurricular activities; research assignments from McDougal-Littell.

Across Five Aprils
Vocabulary words, chapter-by-chapter reading questions, writing topics.

Across Five Aprils
Focus activities, background information, character analysis, journal topics, and more. This extensive study guide from Glencoe requires Adobe Reader to access.

Across Five Aprils vocabulary

Words are presented in context and with definitions. Click on a word for pronunciation, examples of recent usage, more.

Civil War Letters
Students will read letters written during the Civil War. Referring to their knowledge about the Civil War, they’ll develop a clear understanding of the message of the letter. They will edit the letters for mechanics and create a dramatic reading based on their letter. Then students will create their own Civil War dramas, using a fictional letter they create. Designed for grades 5-8.

The Lottery Rose
A variety of reading strategies, including double-entry journal, a KWHL guide, and a vocabulary puzzle.