Freckle Juice
by Judy Blume
Lesson plans and activities
Freckle Face
In this math lesson, students collect data about a partner's face and tally the data from the whole class. They learn the convention for displaying a set of five using tally marks. Then students create a pictograph and pose and answer questions about the data set.
Freckle Juice
Questions for before reading and during reading, craft ideas.
Fun with Summarizing
Students learn story mapping as a way of learning to summarize.
Teacher Guide to
Freckle Juice
by Judy Blume
How might students use storyboards to demonstrate and to extend their learning? Check the resources here. Includes essential questions, plot diagram, themes, motifs and images, irony and other literary elements, vocabulary, more.
Note: Storyboard That helps sponsor this site.
What Makes Me Special?
Students will learn to appreciate their own unique qualities as well as those of their classmates. Includes writing a riddle, writing a recipe for freckle juice, and a "Who Am I?" handout. Adobe Reader required for access.
Resources for other books by Judy Blume .