Award-Winning Computer Programming Tutors

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My son was failing Algebra on all levels. He began working with one of the VT 1-on-1 tutors a month ago. He now has an overall grade of 91%!

— Shawna

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Varsity Tutors really helped me understand the concepts during my Calculus 2 class. My tutor has such amazing patience and is open to many questions! Lastly, was always on time and very prompt. Highly suggest Varsity Tutors.

— Joey T

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Found me a great Python, C Programming, and MatLab tutor for a Engineering Computation course.

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We've had the BEST experience with VT! Our tutor has helped my middle schoolers math grades come up from a D to an A for our 8th grader and from a D to a B for my 6th grader. I'm beyond pleased with how she connected with my boys.

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Private Computer Programming Tutoring

Our interview process, stringent qualifications, and background screening ensure that only the best Computer Programming tutors work with Varsity Tutors. To assure a successful experience, you're paired with one of these qualified tutors by an expert director - and we stand behind that match with our money-back guarantee.

Receive personally tailored Computer Programming lessons from exceptional tutors in a one-on-one setting. We help you connect with the best tutor for your particular needs while offering flexible scheduling to fit your busy life.

Computer Programming Tutoring FAQ

Allow Varsity Tutors to match you with professional computer programming tutors to assist you with pursuing your personal goals. A computer programming tutor works one-on-one with you during each session, which is a comfortable setup for many students. You probably researched the words "computer programming tutors near me" because you want an expert instructor to assist you. You don't have to spend any more time searching the terms "computer programming tutoring near me" because we at Varsity Tutors may have the answer you're looking for. Take some time to read on about how a computer programming tutor can help you out.

What's Computer Programming?

4.9/5.0 Satisfaction Rating*

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Your tutor can customize your lessons and present concepts in engaging easy-to-understand-ways.

Increased Results

You can learn more efficiently and effectively because the teaching style is tailored to you.

Online Convenience

With the flexibility of online tutoring, your tutor can be arranged to meet at a time that suits you.

Recent Computer Programming Tutoring Session Notes

Online Computer Programming Tutoring review by Thorin
Today we covered the contents of the first half of chapter 3. We also introduced variables and showed the student some of the fundamentals of debugging a program.
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Online Computer Programming Tutoring review by Matthew
We began this session by reviewing the homework that I had assigned for the student. On the whole, this was fine, though some small formatting issues had to be addressed. We then altered a mistake that he made in a further extension of an assigned program for generating a variable-sized diamond (via console output). I then used the assigned averaging program to teach him how to use variable-amount iterations for input loops. (We are continuing to solidify some earlier concepts, being a bit more careful not to proceed too quickly.) I then used the library to provide a new set of assignments using randomization to output various shapes. This will be used in the next session to revisit classes and the general syntax involved in defining and using them, as well as to remind him of the use of methods, which are still not natural to his programming technique.
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Online Computer Programming Tutoring review by Lorna
On Tuesday, we had to spend a significant amount of time working on her Media class, since she had an essay due as well as her online portion of her homework. We watched 3 short YouTube videos about the portrayal of female characters in video games and its negative impacts, then had to write a 3 page essay analyzing it. It involved a lot of specifics, so it took quite some time to go through the videos. She is struggling in that class so we wanted to make sure the paper was solid. Then we went through her Tuesday online material, and connected with the people in her group project for that class which starts the next week. She was studying for an exam in her Human and Animal Interactions class, which she is very concerned about. We calculated her grades together, and it is still very possible for her to pass the class if she does well on the last paper and decent on the 3 remaining exams.
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Online Computer Programming Tutoring review by Jasmine
The student and I continued our review: we focused mainly on lists and Boolean statements today. However, he has greatly improved with his coding style and is mastering the rules of python syntax very quickly.
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Online Computer Programming Tutoring review by Gabriela
In this session, the student did a couple of assignments. We went over what data types were, as well as how to write to standard output and read to standard input. For homework, I told him to read over the slides and to download the c compiler for our next session tomorrow.
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Online Computer Programming Tutoring review by Aaron
We talked about drawing and animating circles and other objects to create a game. We discussed how to put mouse input onto an applet and create objects or events from mouse clicks. He seemed very interested.
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Varsity Tutors can help you get more out of your computer programming education by setting you up with experienced and helpful computer programming tutors. Getting started with a computer programming tutor could be just what you need to reach for your goals in the subject area. You'll be able to focus on the specific topics that you need the most help with thanks to the unique one-on-one setting that computer programming tutoring takes place in. Computer programming is a challenging field that can be hard to learn at a high level when studying alone. Why not work with an expert who can provide you with the guidance that you need to unlock more of your potential? If you'd like to get started with this process, one of the easiest ways to do so is by reaching out to us today. You can also keep reading the sections below to get more information about this field and examples of the specific ways that private instructors can help you get more out of your education in it.

What is Computer Programming?

At a broad level, the easiest way to describe computer programming is as a discipline that involves writing detailed instructions to help various computer programs run effectively. These instructions are called code. This process of writing code is the main thing that a computer programmer will do when working in the industry. Code is used in a variety of ways, but they always are created to help a computer solve a problem or carry out a task.

If you're interested in working as a computer programmer, then you can work on a variety of different technical things. For instance, you could use your skill set to create and manage stunning websites that keep users engaged and interested in the company that you've been hired to help. This could involve writing code that makes the web page that users see easy to use. Or, you could use your unique skill set as a computer programmer to build back-end software that helps these websites run from behind the scenes.

You may also be interested in creating applications. For example, you could create computer programs that help users accomplish challenging tasks on the computer in easier ways. This type of programming could lead you to create things like word processing programs, business programs, or even video games. With the wide variety of computer uses in today's modern world, there are truly no limits to the interesting things that you can do if you have a high-level understanding of computer programming.

Learning Computer Programming

Computer programmers often pursue knowledge in this subject area by working towards either a bachelor's or associate degree. High school students can start to learn about computer programming by signing up for things like AP Computer science classes. These high school courses can give students the foundational skills that they'll need to feel confident pursuing a computer science degree once they move on to college.

Once you're in college, you'll want to take a variety of computer programming courses so that once you graduate you're a well-rounded computer programming professional. This is a list of classes that includes things like discrete mathematics, computer science one and two, software engineering, algorithms, data structures, programming for the web, databases, and more. The specific courses that you take while in college will set you up for one of the many careers that you can pursue while working as a professional in the computer programming industry.

While studying this topic in college, you should also consider taking an internship. Internships are a great way to get hands-on experience in the industries that you want to work in after college. Internships are especially helpful for computer programmers because they give students a chance to encounter the types of problems that professional computer programmers deal with on a daily basis. The information that you learn in class, although very useful, isn't always as practical as the type of experience that you get while actually doing computer programming work as an intern.

Computer programmers should learn a number of different programming languages while in school as well. These languages are how you will communicate with the computers that use your code. They have specific syntaxes that you'll need to know in order to effectively create code. Different computer programming languages were designed to help computer programmers solve different problems. For example, PHP was designed to help programmers create web applications, while C++ is used to build executable standalone applications in most cases. JavaScript, on the other hand, has quickly evolved to allow developers to build full applications using frameworks and libraries that facilitate both rapid application development and improved user experience.

While studying computer programming in college, you'll spend time learning about the aforementioned languages. You may also learn things like Python and Java. Students should also utilize popular database languages like SQL, MySQL, and MongoDB. Your college education will also teach you how to do things like debug code that isn't working properly and how to write algorithms for more efficient operations.

There really is a lot to learn while studying to become a computer programmer. However, you don't have to go through the process alone. Instead, you may want to work with computer programming tutors who can help you develop a better understanding of the topics that you're studying in class. Working with a computer programming tutor gives you the opportunity to get an expert's guidance as you study the subject area's most challenging topics. You can easily get started on working with an experienced instructor by contacting us today.

Computer Programming Career Opportunities

As you learn about the finer points of computer programming, you'll start to get a sense of what you'd like to work on once you graduate from school. This will provide you with insight about which career opportunities will be right for you post-graduation. There are a large number of options that you can choose from. You could work as a software architect, a game programmer, a software tester, a technical project manager, and more. You'll want to develop a targeted set of skills that will help you in your chosen career path. This is something that working with a private computer programming instructor can help you with. In the next section, you'll get more information about private computer programming instruction and how it can help you get more out of your academic opportunities.

How Does Computer Programming Tutoring Work?

Working with computer programming tutors is a unique learning experience that can help you make progress towards your ultimate goals in the subject area. You'll start the process by reaching out to Varsity Tutors. When you get in touch with us, we'll spend some time getting to know you and your academic goals, your learning style, and your scheduling requirements. Once we get this information we can start the process of finding you the right computer programming tutors for your specific needs.

During this process, we'll make every effort to connect you with instructors who can meet all of your requirements. This makes it easy to get connected with someone who can help you grow academically while also working around your existing obligations. That means you won't have to make too many scheduling sacrifices to get started with the tutoring process. This means that even the busiest students can still find time to work with a private computer programming instructor.

Once you get connected with your educator, you'll be able to start working with them quickly. You can meet with them for one-on-one lessons where your needs always remain the top priority. Your computer programming tutor can create a customized lesson plan for you that is based on aspects like your learning style and academic goals. You'll be able to work through each of these lessons at your own pace instead of at a pace that's set for you by a teacher as is typical in the classroom learning environment.

In all, this creates a complete individualized learning experience that may allow you to make academic progress in a more efficient and effective way. You can get help with your coursework or with preparing for a challenging computer programming test. Test preparation assistance gives you the opportunity to work with an expert on computer programming while getting ready for your most difficult exams. These are just a few of the reasons why private computer programming instruction is a great supplement to the traditional classroom learning experience.

How Can You Get Started?

As detailed above, computer programming is a smart field to enter. By studying this subject in college, you can gain the skills that you need to work in your chosen profession. However, computer programming can also be a difficult subject area to fully understand. That's why signing up for computer programming tutoring can be such a valuable addition to your education. Why not reach out to Varsity Tutors today and let us help you find the right instructor to work with? We'd love to help you develop your skill set and prepare yourself for advanced coursework and your eventual employment in the industry. Get in touch with us today if you're ready to begin.

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