Award-Winning Latin Courses & Classes in Ann Arbor, MI

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Varsity Tutors offers an Ann Arbor Latin class for all schedules and skill levels. Students at Skyline High School, undergraduates at the University of Michigan, and nontraditional students are all welcome to sign up for a course. Learning a new language can be difficult, especially when you are balancing a busy class schedule, extracurricular commitments, or a part-time job. Traditional classrooms may not offer all the help you need to meet your language learning goals. An Ann Arbor Latin course can make up for this deficit and increase your comprehension of the Latin language.

Latin was the language of the Roman Empire and was spoken throughout Europe for more than a thousand years. During this time, Latin dialects traveled outside of Rome by way of the Roman soldiers and colonists who settled western Europe. As the Roman Empire expanded, people spoke Latin across large geographic areas. Individualized dialects formed in certain regions, and over several centuries, these dialects developed into their own distinct languages. This is why Romance languages that stem from the original Roman empire - French, Italian, and Spanish, to name a few - share Latin as a linguistic root. These languages are called Romance Languages.

Though Latin is no longer a widely-spoken language, teaching students to read and translate Latin builds a foundation that makes it easier for them to learn other Romance languages. Fields of work and study also employ Latin phrasing to this day, most notably the legal, political, governmental, and medical fields. Latin survives as the official language of the Roman Catholic Church and Vatican City, as well.

Whether you're planning to enter the medical or legal fields, or simply looking to expand your language base, Latin is useful to learn. Ann Arbor Latin courses are completely online and offered at a variety of times to fit your schedule. New courses begin monthly, and courses are offered during the weekend, weekdays, and nights. In addition to group courses, students can schedule individual meetings with the instructor to further practice their Latin skills. No matter your skill level or reason for studying, Varsity Tutors wants to connect you with a Latin course that meets your needs.

What concepts are covered in an Ann Arbor Latin course?

Latin makes up the origins of many Romantic languages such as French, Spanish, Italian. Similar to these Romantic languages, Latin uses a system of genders to distinguish and categorize nouns. Nouns can be masculine (such as "miles," which translates to soldier), feminine (such as "regina," meaning queen), or neuter (such as "nomen," name). Unlike learning French or Spanish, Latin does not require a student to speak in a proper accent. Students may benefit from developing a consistent accent so that they can get the most value out of reading Latin poetry, but they do not need to worry about perfecting the accent as in other languages.

The Ann Arbor Latin class will also cover concepts such as sentence structure, pronunciation, and vocabulary. Vocabulary is often straightforward for English speakers learning Latin, as many Latin vocabulary words closely resemble their English translations. For example, "finis" translates to finish or end, and "affirmo" translates to "I affirm." Additionally, the Roman alphabet contains 23 of the same letters as the English alphabet, so spelling also poses less of a challenge.

Though it shares many of the same letters as English, Latin is far more concise on the sentence level. This is due to the inflections used in Latin vocabulary. Inflections are found at the end of words, and a word's inflection is crucial to its meaning. Translating the inflection helps clarify how certain words in a Latin phrase connect to each other. Where English uses word order to determine meaning, Latin uses inflection. For example, the sentences, "That girl is jumping the rope" and "The rope is jumping that girl" have different meanings because of word order. Latin sentences often mean the same thing even when the word order varies, and Latin words frequently translate into multiple English words. For example, "amabunt" translates to "they will love." The passive form of the same verb, "amabuntur," translates to "they will be loved." This example demonstrates how slight changes to the inflection (the ending of a word) impact the definition.

How does an Ann Arbor Latin class work?

Latin classes are completely online, so you can study from any location. Work from home, campus, or your favorite coffee shop! An online course is an interactive classroom environment that includes video and a digital whiteboard. Students can view and hear the instructor and their classmates, so it is easy to collaborate and discuss course materials. Students at various skill levels work together in this environment, which allows more experienced students to offer additional support to those who are still learning certain concepts; students with less familiarity benefit from working with more advanced learners. All online courses are taught by enthusiastic, expert instructors.

Even for students that benefit from collaborative learning, it may still be difficult to learn a new language. If you wish to have more individual attention, you also have the option to schedule individual meetings with your instructor. Reserve a time and talk with your instructor one-on-one to ensure you fully understand any course concepts that challenge you. Ann Arbor Latin courses cater to students of all skill levels and learning styles.

Online classes offer additional convenience for students, but they also allow Varsity Tutors to make more classes available. New courses are offered at the start of each month at a wide variety of times. Weekday, weekend, and night classes are offered, so it is easy to fit Latin learning into any busy schedule. Call Varsity Tutors today to learn about all the options for an Ann Arbor Latin course!

How do I get started with an Ann Arbor Latin course?

No matter if you are a freshman at Pioneer High School or a medical student at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, you can benefit from a convenient, collaborative Latin course. With sessions offered online and new classes beginning each month, you can easily find a Latin class that fits your schedule. Call Varsity Tutors today to get started in an Ann Arbor Latin class and expand your knowledge of Latin!

Contact us today to connect with a top Ann Arbor Latin instructor