Award-Winning CPA Courses & Classes in Virginia Beach, VA

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If you're an aspiring CPA, Varsity Tutors is able to support you in reaching for your professional goals by setting you up with a quality Virginia Beach CPA exam course. The CPA exam, or the Uniform Certified Public Accountant exam, was created with the intention of assessing one's competency and knowledge of the different skills needed to perform well in an entry-level public accountant position. All 55 United States jurisdictions require a passing CPA exam score for you to gain licensure. Since this exam is such an important part of your professional journey, it's imperative to prepare effectively so you can work towards your goals. Taking a Virginia Beach CPA Exam class can help you prepare productively and efficiently.

What topics or skills can be covered during an online Virginia Beach CPA Exam course?

The CPA exam is comprised of four separate sections: (1) Auditing & Attestation, (2) Business Environment & Concepts, (3) Financial Accounting & Reporting, (4) and Regulation. These sections each have a four-hour time limit. To earn CPA licensure, you'll need to pass all four parts with a score of 75 or higher. The sections each contain up to 76 multiple choice questions and up to 9 task-based simulations. There are also three written tasks on the Business Environment & Concepts section.

The topics and skills you'll need to demonstrate on the exam come from material you are expected to have learned if you took finance courses at an educational institution such as Regent University or the University of Virginia. To properly review for the exam, you'll want to review material such as financial management, business law, select transactions, and corporate governance. Your prep class can also go over content such as operations management or federal taxation.

In addition to going over the content of the CPA exam, your class can help you understand the format of the exam. Your instructor can take the time to administer practice exams so you can experience the type of environment you'll be in on exam day. After your practice exam, you may have a better understanding of exactly what you need to work on to improve your chances of doing well on test day.

When you take a Virginia Beach CPA exam class, you can feel confident you are reviewing everything you need to put your best foot forward.

What are the benefits of an online Virginia Beach CPA exam course?

When you sign up for a CPA class with Varsity Tutors, the need to travel to your class is eliminated. You're able to access your classes using our unique virtual learning environment. This online platform brings the class to you, equipping you to receive instruction from the comfort of your favorite place to study. All you need is a computer and access to a reliable internet connection. This enables you to take live classes in the comfort of your own dining room, at the local public library, or sitting in your favorite cafe.

The virtual platform also enables you to interact with your teacher in a manner similar to what you'd find in a traditional classroom. Live online classes give you the chance to ask questions, see, and hear your teacher as if you were in the same room. You'll be able to receive instant responses during instructional sessions.

Additionally, the online platform gives you the chance to communicate with your fellow classmates. You can work on group projects or activities and have discussions on the day's topic. Social learning opportunities allow you to understand new perspectives and have been shown to help with memory retention.

No matter where you are in your CPA review, enrolling in a Virginia Beach CPA Exam prep course can help you to gain confidence in your ability to do well on test day.

How do I get signed up to get started in a Virginia Beach CPA Exam course?

When you call to sign up for a Virginia Beach CPA Exam class, you'll be connected to one of our educational consultants. They'll answer your questions and take the time to determine your instructional and scheduling requirements.

You'll have the option to sign up for either a two-week or four-week class. New sessions begin each month, which enables you to enroll any time during the calendar year. We make sure to offer classes throughout the day to help you find one which fits into your schedule. Our goal is to help you find instruction that's both convenient and productive. When you're ready to sign up for a Virginia Beach CPA Exam class, call Varsity Tutors and let us support you in your CPA journey.

Contact us today to connect with a top Virginia Beach CPA instructor