Award-Winning GMAT Courses & Classes in Milwaukee, WI

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Whether you are just beginning your preparation for the GMAT or have already begun, Varsity Tutors can help you get started with a Milwaukee GMAT class that can assist you in preparing for the exam. If you are interested in attending business school, performing well on the GMAT could be helpful in terms of gaining admission to the school of your choice, such as the Sheldon B. Lubar School of Business at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee or the Marquette University College of Business Administration. Whether you are currently in school and looking to gain further education or if you are a professional looking for a boost to your career, a Milwaukee GMAT course can help.

When you sign up for a Milwaukee GMAT course, you gain access to online classes that are led by an expert instructor. Working through a Milwaukee GMAT class can help you in terms of reviewing material that may show up on the exam while also helping you gain more familiarity with the design and structure of it. The GMAT consists of four different sections that are designed to give admissions boards an idea of how you might perform in business school. As your score is often used as a part of the admissions process for business schools, it is important that you do as well as possible on the exam.

What could a Milwaukee GMAT class help me review?

The GMAT includes sections on Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and an Analytical Writing Assessment. The test has some sections that are multiple choice, while the Analytical Writing Assessment is essay-based. You do have the option of taking short breaks throughout the testing period. All in all, you will have about 3.5 hours to complete the exam. As there are several different concentrations involved in this exam, you will be required to know material from a range of subject areas. As such, Milwaukee GMAT prep can be helpful in terms of learning or reviewing this material.

The Integrated Reasoning Section consists of 12 questions, and you are given 30 minutes to complete it. This section is scored between 1 and 8 and is designed to test your ability to use sources to solve problems, compare and organize data, and synthesize information. Overall, achieving a high score in this section shows that you can make decisions based on a variety of information.

The Verbal Reasoning Section has 36 multiple choice questions and you are provided with 65 minutes to complete this section. It is scored between 0 and 60 points and is designed to test your critical reading skills and your reading comprehension. The critical reasoning aspect of this section includes reading passages and using your critical reasoning skills to evaluate and construct arguments. The reading comprehension aspect of this section requires you to read passages and answer questions based on your interpretations and understanding of the information provided.

The Quantitative Reasoning Section is made up of 31 multiple choice questions and you have 62 minutes to complete it. It is graded between 0 and 60 points and is designed to test your quantitative problem solving, mathematical reasoning, and graphic data interpretation capabilities. The questions in this section involve data sufficiency and problem-solving. The data sufficiency questions involve your ability to analyze problems and identify the relevance of data, while the problem-solving questions look at your ability to reason analytically and use logic.

Finally, you will receive 30 minutes to complete the Analytical Writing Assessment, which involves writing an essay. It is graded between 0 and 6 points and looks at your ability to think critically and communicate your ideas. In order to score well in this section, you need to possess an ability to evaluate arguments, organize and develop ideas, and plan out a response.

How does a Milwaukee GMAT class help me prepare?

A Milwaukee GMAT class is held on an online environment. As such, whether you are taking classes or you are a professional who works full time, Milwaukee GMAT prep is designed to fit into your schedule. Having a busy schedule shouldn't mean that you don't have access to the resources you need to do your best on the GMAT. When you sign up for a Milwaukee GMAT course, you can choose either a two-week session or a four-week session. When you contact us, we can find a class that fits with your schedule so you can get started preparing for the exam right away.

Each class session takes place in an online setting, which makes it more convenient for students who are busy. You won't have to commute and can find any place with an Internet connection where you feel comfortable hunkering down to study. Studying in a Milwaukee GMAT course involves working with a live instructor and other students. This gives you the opportunity to focus on the skills that may prove helpful when taking the exam. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and to work collaboratively with your fellow students. You can also take advantage of one-on-one time with your instructor, which gives you the ability to ask questions about any topics you might be having trouble with in particular. Every aspect of the course is designed to make sure that you have every opportunity to perform to the best of your abilities on exam day.

How can I find a Milwaukee GMAT prep course?

Whether you need a course that takes place in the afternoon during your lunch break or in the evening after work or school, Varsity Tutors can help you find a class that works best for you. This can also include signing up for classes over the weekend. Working with an instructor as you prepare for the exam can be useful in terms of making sure you can concentrate on developing the skills you need to manage our time effectively while tackling questions accurately. If you are interested in signing up for a Milwaukee GMAT course, feel free to contact Varsity Tutors either by phone or online.

Contact us today to connect with a top Milwaukee GMAT instructor