Award-Winning GMAT Quantitative Tutors

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My son was failing Algebra on all levels. He began working with one of the VT 1-on-1 tutors a month ago. He now has an overall grade of 91%!

— Shawna

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Varsity Tutors really helped me understand the concepts during my Calculus 2 class. My tutor has such amazing patience and is open to many questions! Lastly, was always on time and very prompt. Highly suggest Varsity Tutors.

— Joey T

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Private GMAT Quantitative Tutoring

Our interview process, stringent qualifications, and background screening ensure that only the best GMAT Quantitative tutors work with Varsity Tutors. To assure a successful experience, you're paired with one of these qualified tutors by an expert director - and we stand behind that match with our money-back guarantee.

Receive personally tailored GMAT Quantitative lessons from exceptional tutors in a one-on-one setting. We help you connect with the best tutor for your particular needs while offering flexible scheduling to fit your busy life.

GMAT Quantitative Tutoring FAQ

You have landed in the right place if you've been searching terms such as "GMAT Quantitative tutoring near me," because Varsity Tutors can help you connect with a knowledgeable GMAT Quantitative tutor who can help you effectively prepare for the exam. Signing up for GMAT Quantitative tutoring may give you just the boost you need in your test-prep skills to do your best on test day. GMAT Quantitative tutors can help you refresh your content knowledge, improve your overall study skills, and give you useful strategies you can use during the exam. You never have to study alone because Varsity Tutors can help you connect with a tutor who can meet your GMAT Quantitative test prep needs.

The Quantitative section of the GMAT is used to measure your abilities in mathematical reasoning, solving quantitative problems, and interpreting graphics data. Overall, your GMAT score can be used by many graduate admissions departments to determine if you are ready to enter their establishment and do well. It is important to do well on the GMAT, including the Quantitative Reasoning section so there is no delay in your graduate school entrance process.

4.9/5.0 Satisfaction Rating*

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Your tutor can customize your lessons and present concepts in engaging easy-to-understand-ways.

Increased Results

You can learn more efficiently and effectively because the teaching style is tailored to you.

Online Convenience

With the flexibility of online tutoring, your tutor can be arranged to meet at a time that suits you.

Recent GMAT Quantitative Tutoring Session Notes

Online GMAT Quantitative Tutoring review by Brian
The majority of the session was spent working "live" through quant word problems from the book and reinforcing the value of multiple and flexible approaches to each problem. Topics included PIN, estimation, backsolving, and calculation techniques. The assigned work was to complete a diagnostic.
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Online GMAT Quantitative Tutoring review by Tobias
Work Word Problems. Did different types and did problems the student had. These are tough problems, all requiring different approaches, so he will have to review what we did and try some more on his own. We'll do these and other Rate Problems next time, and review a full test that he will take.
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Online GMAT Quantitative Tutoring review by Peter
We covered special fraction-decimal equivalents, the most efficient method to do data sufficiency problems, summation problems where some of the digits have been replaced by letters, how dividing by a fraction is the same as multiplying by that fraction's reciprocal. In addition to the typical review work that he does, I gave him a homework assignment involving finding multiples of the special fraction-decimal equivalents. Also, he will be taking a practice GMAT on Monday to determine his current proficiency.
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Online GMAT Quantitative Tutoring review by Suzanne
The student and I covered the two different types of math questions, problem solving and data sufficiency. I showed her test-taking strategies, including picking numbers and plugging in the answers, and we did a lot of practice questions.
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Online GMAT Quantitative Tutoring review by Omar
During this session, I reviewed and analyzed numerous, advanced data sufficiency questions involving the areas of 2 dimensional polygons. The most crucial step in these question types is to rephrase the question in your own words and analyze each given statement in the light of that rephrased question. I also covered guessing tactics for advanced geometry-based data sufficiency questions. These tactics must be used only in circumstances where the test-taker is either (i) lost or confused or (ii) running out of time. I recommended to the student that he take an official practice test released by the GMAT. I also recommended that he review all of the questions that I covered today at least three or four times before his test day, especially data sufficiency questions #122 and #145 in the guide for the GMAT.
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Online GMAT Quantitative Tutoring review by Melanie
Since our last session, the student has taken her first full practice exam, and we will aim to improve her score. During the session, we continued to focus on quantitative concepts. We reviewed geometry (lines, polygons, triangles, quadrilaterals, solids, cylinders, coordinate geometry) and began covering word problems. She is showing progress in identifying strategies to tackle quantitative questions. Before our next session, she will take more practice GMAT math tests. Next week, we will continue to review word problems and begin to cover strategies for data sufficiency questions.
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If you're looking for GMAT Quantitative Reasoning tutoring and having a hard time finding anyone, you've found the right place. Varsity Tutors is here to connect you to knowledgeable GMAT Quantitative tutors. When you sign up for GMAT Quantitative Reasoning instruction, you may get the assistance needed to put your best foot forward on exam day. Private GMAT instructors can help you to review knowledge of various content, work on your overall study habits, and provide you with useful strategies to implement during the test. You don't need to prepare alone because Varsity Tutors is here to support you. We can set you up with a teacher who can assist you in working towards your GMAT Quantitative goals.

The GMAT, or the Graduate Management Admissions Test, is made up of four distinct sections that include Analytical Writing, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Verbal Reasoning. The Analytical Writing section of the exam lasts for 30 minutes and consists of only one essay question. The Integrated Reasoning section is a 30-minute assessment and consists of 12 questions. The Verbal Reasoning section has 36 questions, which you must finish within 65 minutes. The Quantitative Reasoning section is a 62-minute assessment with 31 multiple-choice questions and requires you to have a fundamental knowledge of geometry, algebra, and basic arithmetic. While you do need to have foundational knowledge in these subjects, the Quantitative Reasoning section is more about your reasoning skills than your operative mathematical abilities.

The Quantitative section of the GMAT assesses your abilities in mathematical reasoning, interpreting graphic data, and solving quantitative problems. Your overall GMAT score is used by many graduate admissions offices as a means to determine if you are prepared to succeed in graduate-level courses. It is essential to do well on the GMAT, including the Quantitative Reasoning section, as you work to impress your desired graduate school admissions office.

What are the various skills and content I can review while working with a private GMAT Quantitative tutor?

The Quantitative Reasoning section of the GMAT contains two different types of questions. Your private GMAT Quantitative tutor can help you become more familiar with these kinds of questions and help you with implementing the best strategy to solve these problems properly. The two types of questions you will face on this part of the exam are Problem Solving questions and Data Sufficiency questions.

When you were working on the Problem Solving questions, you will be provided with some sort of real-world problem. You'll need to use analytical and logical reasoning skills in order to solve this problem. The questions will give you five choices and you must choose the best answer.

Data Sufficiency questions will require you to use analytical skills to look at a problem, identify any relevant information, and determine if there is a point at which you have enough information to solve the problem. You will be given a question and two statements in these types of problems. You will need to be able to integrate mathematical and everyday knowledge with the provided statements in order to figure out if you have enough information to answer the question.

If either of these types of problems is challenging for you, your instructor can help you by providing practice opportunities. He or she can sit down with you and watch as you work through these types of problems in order to determine where your weak points are. This type of exercise can allow your instructor to gain insight on how to adequately assist you in solving the problems accurately and efficiently.

In addition to reviewing the GMAT Quantitative content, your instructor can assist you in understanding the format and structure of the test, which can help you know what to expect on exam day. Your instructor can even help you by setting up a mock practice exam with the GMAT Quantitative section while timing you so you'll get a feel for the pacing.

Since the intention of the GMAT is to determine whether or not you are prepared to succeed in graduate-level courses, it is important to work on these various skills not only so you can earn admission to the graduate program of your choice but also so that you are genuinely prepared to succeed in your future courses. The skills you'll be working on with your GMAT Quantitative Reasoning tutor are ones that you can use in your future courses as well as in your professional life.

How are GMAT Quantitative Reasoning tutoring sessions different than other instructional methods?

Working closely with a GMAT Quantitative tutor is a very different experience than what you might be used to in a normal educational environment. Working with a private instructor gives you the opportunity to receive customized one-on-one attention during your study sessions. This type of attention allows your instructor to get to know you and your particular needs in a way that is impossible in a traditional classroom. For example, since your instructor will be working with you closely, he or she can assess your particular strengths and weaknesses as well as learning your preferred learning method. Using this information, your instructor can create personalized lesson plans. As an example, if your instructor determines you learn best in a visual manner, he or she can make sure to use videos, infographics, or other types of images in order to allow you to see the material in a new visual manner. Perhaps you're an auditory learner. If this is the case, your instructor can take the time to implement a lecture style lesson plan or assign supplemental podcasts or audiobooks to assist you in reviewing various logical reasoning skills. When your instructor is able to teach you using the specific method you understand best, it will help you to learn the material more thoroughly and possibly enjoy your study session.

Your instructor can also assist you in learning the areas in which you need to improve. When you study by yourself, you sometimes have blind spots that can make it difficult to assess your own weaknesses. Working with an objective instructor can help you determine exactly which skills you need help working on as well as assisting you in pursuing mastery of those particular skills. This can make your study sessions more effective since you will not be wasting time reviewing topics you already understand.

Additionally, you also have the luxury of working at the pace that works best for you. In a traditional classroom, teachers must keep moving at a steady pace regardless of whether students need extra time. With private instruction, your instructor only has to worry about you and your exact needs. This means if you are struggling with interpreting graphical information, your instructor can spend as much time as necessary in reviewing the skill until you feel comfortable moving on. As you improve and grow in your knowledge and abilities, your instructor is able to adjust lesson plans to align more closely with your new needs.

One of the biggest benefits of private instruction is the ability to create a flexible schedule. Thanks to Varsity Tutors, you get to decide between using an online private instructor or meeting your teacher in person. When you choose to meet with your instructor online, you will use the Live Learning Platform to access face-to-face study sessions. This brings your private lessons to your favorite place to study whether that's in your own home, at the public library, or in your favorite café, as long as you have a computer and high-speed Internet. As an added benefit, you'll have access to a much larger range of instructors since you will be able to work with teachers outside of your area. You may also choose to meet with your instructor in person. With this option, you will be able to choose the time and location of your choice and we will do our best to find you an instructor who fits within your instructional and scheduling needs. You can choose to schedule your sessions after school, in the evening, or on the weekends. Our goal at Varsity Tutors is to make it simple and convenient for you to fit private attraction into your busy life.

What do I need to do to get signed up to work with GMAT Quantitative tutors?

Taking the GMAT is a critical step in your journey towards higher education. We would love to assist you in pursuing these goals with a connection to the best GMAT Quantitative Reasoning study sessions available. If you are ready to take your Quantitative Reasoning skills to the next level, all you need to do is contact Varsity Tutors online or using your phone and ask about our GMAT Quantitative tutoring sessions. Our Educational Consultants are standing by to answer any questions you may have. They can also talk you through the benefits of the options we provide and help get you signed up. Call our Educational Consultants right now and let Varsity Tutors connect you to exceptional GMAT Quantitative Reasoning tutors today!

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