Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street
by Roni Schotter
Lesson plans and teaching resources
Living the Life of a Writer
This plan uses
Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street
by Roni Schotter in lesson 6, p. 23-25, as part of an extensive unit plan for 4th grade writers. 57 pages; Adobe Reader required. This document may need a moment to load fully.
Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street
by Roni Schotter
Students write about "nothing." This lesson focuses on revision.
Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street
by Roni Schotter
Online vocabulary flash cards for 7 words.
Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street
by Roni Schotter
This 2-day lesson plan includes pre-reading, practice with metaphors, and resolution of the plot. 2 pages; word processor required.
Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street
by Roni Schotter
Students discuss and create a class list of how writers get their ideas for writing and generate a list of future ideas for their own writing.
Using 90th Street's Advice
First, writers will search for all four pieces of advice that young author, Eva, receives from her neighbors and then uses in her story found in the book
Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street
by Roni Schotter. Next, writers will apply the four pieces of advice as they brainstorm details about a person, place, and thing they have chosen to write about. Finally, writers will each create a descriptive paragraph that interestingly describes the person, place, and thing they have chosen.