William Shakespeare, King Lear
Lesson plans and other teaching resources

For introductory, background and other resources, try Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Age . For links to other plays, try the Shakespeare Main Page.

A Close Look at King Lear on Film
This filmography is accompanied by a bibliography. This is an excellent resource for those wondering which DVD to order.

Enjoying King Lear
Extensive background, plot summary, and commentary. Scroll down for ideas for essay topics, thematic development, and related links.

King Lear
Plot summary, themes and imagery, essay topics.

King Lear
Printable anticipation guide. Adobe Reader required for access.

King Lear
A list of fine art related to the play. Follow the links for a picture of the painting and some commentary.

No Fear Shakespeare: King Lear
On the left, Shakespeare's words. On the right, a contemporary English paraphrase. Divided by scene.

Teacher's Guide to King Lear
Overview, elements of tragedy, writing prompts, and more. Requires Adobe Reader or compatible application for access.

Teaching Language in King Lear
This strategy will appeal to visual learners especially.

Vocabulary from King Lear :

Words are presented in context and with definitions. Click on a word for pronunciation, examples of recent use, synonyms, more.

A Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley
Eighteen discussion questions for this novel, King Lear set in rural America.