The Whale Rider by Witi Ihimaera
Lesson plans and teaching resources

This unit plan includes a study guide and answers, a Jeopardy-style game (requires MS-Powerpoint or compatible application), other projects, tests, and an extension activity connecting Antigone with The Whale Rider .

Teaching Whale Rider to the 10-14 age group
The analysis here focuses on the 2002 film version. Many of the observations also apply to the novel.

Whale Rider
These teaching resources emphasize the film version. Included: synopsis, glossary of Maori words, discussion questions and extended learning projects based on 4 themes. 13 pages; Adobe Reader required.

Whale Rider : A film and gender unit for Stage 5 English
A variety of approaches to the film. Access to this 5-page document requires MS-Word or compatible application.

The Whale Rider Reading Skills and Strategies. Access requires Adobe Reader.

Whale Rider : A Teacher Resource for Class Cinema Viewing
This resource focuses on the film version and offers lots of suggestions for discussion. This 4-page document requires Adobe Reader or compatible application for access.