Antigone by Sophocles
Lesson plans and learning activities

| Sophocles, biography & background | | Antigone | Oedipus Rex |

Biography & Background

The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization
Click on "Educational Resources" for Lesson 4, "Oedipus the King: An Introduction to Greek Drama." Other lessons involve research into Greek civilization.

Biography and commentary at Wikipedia.

Sophocles - Biography and Works
Good background information.


Teacher Guide to Antigone
How might students use storyboards to demonstrate and to extend their learning? Check the resources here. Includes plot summary, essential questions, three-act structure, themes, symbols, motifs, elements of the tragic hero, more. Note: Storyboard That helps sponsor this site.

Text of the play in multiple formats, including EPUB, Kindle, more.

Summary of the play and general notes. Includes a link to "The Antigone game." A good review.

Overview, suggestions for instructional focus, learning activities, and connections beyond the classroom.

These teaching resources include a study guide and answers, a Jeopardy-style game (requires MS-Powerpoint or compatible application), other projects, tests, and an extension activity connecting Antigone with The Whale Rider.

50 multiple choice postreading questions over structure, plot, irony, theme, and vocabulary. GoogleDocs format.

Antigone -- Screenplay Assignment
Click on the title link for a full description of the writing activity, which involves bringing Antigone into the 21st century.

Antigone: vocabulary from the play
A list of 50 words presented in context and with definitions. Click on the word for pronunciation, examples of recent use, more.

The Classics Pages: Sophocles Antigone - Creon
An analysis of Creon's attitudes and actions.

Greek Myths, Oedipus, Antigone ... and Star Wars
Click on the title link for a complete discussion.

Sophocles' Antigone: Ancient Greek Theatre, Live From Antiquity!
These follow-up activities focus on the experience of ancient Greek drama and its role in ancient Greek society.

Thebes, Greece in Sophocles' Oedipus the King
What does Thebes look like today? Photos and views via Google Maps.