Hand-Picked, Highly Credentialed Tutors
We are committed to helping students find the best private tutors
Varsity Tutors has been successful in helping to connect thousands of students with top tutors, and a key component of this success is our thorough screening and qualification process. We have rigorous qualifications, and only a small fraction of those who apply to be a tutor make it through the vetting process. At Varsity Tutors, we know that your experience depends on incredible tutors, and we will work tirelessly to help match you with nothing less.
"We have turned down people with perfect SAT scores and amazing grades because they weren’t effective enough at communicating difficult concepts in an easy to understand manner."
Chuck Cohn
Founder & CEO of Varsity Tutors
Qualities We Look For in Tutors
How do we determine these characteristics in a tutor?
Phone and Face-to-Face Interviews
We establish the tutor’s excellent communication and teaching skills. The tutors must have fantastic verbal and written communication skills.
Prior Experience Check
Prior teaching and mentoring experience is key to a tutor’s success. A great tutor knows how to improve, engage, and challenge students to reach their potential.
Academic Background Check
We carefully review each candidate’s academic history to establish their commitment to academic excellence.
Mock Tutoring Sessions
Teaching skills are demonstrated through simulated lesson plans and mock tutoring sessions.
Personalized Teaching Methods
Tutoring sessions are most constructive when the teaching methods are matched to the student’s learning styles and catered to the student's unique needs.
Personality Filtration
We identify only the best tutors who are able to relate to a student, and maintain a positive attitude and create constructive learning environments.