Award-Winning German Courses & Classes in Ann Arbor, MI

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Whether you are a University of Michigan-Ann Arbor student majoring in German or are already a proficient speaker wanting to refresh rusty German skills, Varsity Tutors can enroll you in an Ann Arbor German class that can have a positive impact on your language learning experience. Even with a background in German, completely mastering a second language can be difficult. By reaching out to Varsity Tutors, you can give yourself access to a variety of resources that could help you overcome common challenges. Learning an additional language can be tough for anyone, and for some students, a traditional classroom environment may not offer all the focus and attention they need. Enrolling in an Ann Arbor German course can provide you with access to lessons that could help you achieve your German language goals.

German is the official language of Germany and Austria. It is spoken not just in Europe but throughout the world. There are people who speak German in unexpected places like Italy and Romania as well as former German colonies like Namibia and Burundi. German is spoken by over 90 million people in the world, and it is the most commonly spoken language in the European Union. As technology advances, the world can feel like a smaller place, and being bilingual may become a key skill in the professional realm. Becoming proficient in German can introduce you to new options for business and pleasure.

What material will an Ann Arbor German course cover?

Courses give you the opportunity to participate in an open, positive, and encouraging environment where you can speak, write, and read German on a regular basis. Having consistent practice in a new language can help you master the finer details, like accents and grammar. Although German is in the same language group as English, it still has its own quirks. Ann Arbor German courses are led by qualified and enthusiastic instructors who are expert German speakers. Every course is set up to provide you with tools that could help you conquer the challenges of the language, as well as potentially give you a greater understanding of German culture.

If you are a student at Pioneer or Huron High School who is fulfilling a language requirement, there are foundational concepts of German you must learn in order to be able to express your thoughts and understand others. Having a clear knowledge and comprehension of common phrases, vocabulary, and sentence structure can facilitate your fluency. Are you a student who wants to learn more than what is taught in your German class at school, and might like to get ahead of the given material? Taking a supplementary online German class might be just the thing you are looking for.

What are the benefits of enrolling in an Ann Arbor German class?

Once you have signed up for an Ann Arbor German class you will begin attending via the Live Learning Platform. This is a virtual learning space where you are joined by other students with similar goals. Classes are designed to give you the chance to interact with your instructor and other students. You will also have the opportunity to engage in group activities. This type of collaborative learning can be a great way to get immediate feedback to any questions you might have about the German language. Helping another student with a tough topic also has the potential to strengthen your own understanding and retention of German.

If you need extra help with locking down the three genders, four cases, or enormous compound nouns in the German language, you can request additional time with your instructor. If you are having trouble with the formal and informal forms of nouns or differentiating between "false friends", you and your class leader can go over these topics one-on-one.

These courses aim to provide you with convenient options to help you on your journey through the German language. Online classes mean that you do not have to worry about driving to a destination or working another stop into your daily commute. You can attend your German course from anywhere you have access to the internet. Whether you feel more comfortable at your house, a public library, or a local coffee shop, it's possible for you to take your course there. Each Ann Arbor German course is offered at multiple times of the day. New class sections start monthly, and you can choose between a 2 or 4-week course. With so many options, it's easy for you to find a class that fits into your schedule. Contact Varsity Tutors today to get started!

Contact us today to connect with a top Ann Arbor German instructor