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Partitioning a Segment in a Given Ratio

Suppose you have a line segment PQ ¯ on the coordinate plane, and you need to find the point on the segment 1 3  of the way from P to Q .

Let’s first take the easy case where P is at the origin and line segment is a horizontal one.

The length of the line is 6 units and the point on the segment 1 3  of the way from P to Q would be 2 units away from P , 4 units away from Q and would be at ( 2,0 ) .

Consider the case where the segment is not a horizontal or vertical line.

The components of the directed segment PQ ¯ are 6,3  and we need to find the point, say X on the segment 1 3  of the way from P to Q .

Then, the components of the segment PX ¯ are ( 1 3 )( 6 ),( 1 3 )( 3 ) = 2,1 .

Since the initial point of the segment is at origin, the coordinates of the point X are given by ( 0+2,0+1 )=( 2,1 ) .

Now let’s do a trickier problem, where neither P nor Q is at the origin.

Use the end points of the segment PQ ¯  to write the components of the directed segment.

( x 2 x 1 ),( y 2 y 1 ) = ( 71 ),( 26 ) = 6,4

Now in a similar way, the components of the segment PX ¯  where X is a point on the segment 1 3  of the way from P to Q are ( 1 3 )( 6 ),( 1 3 )( 4 ) = 2,1.25 .

To find the coordinates of the point X add the components of the segment PX ¯  to the coordinates of the initial point P .

So, the coordinates of the point X are ( 1+2,61.25 )=( 3,4.75 ) .

Note that the resulting segments, PX ¯ and XQ ¯ , have lengths in a ratio of 1:2 .

In general: what if you need to find a point on a line segment that divides it into two segments with lengths in a ratio a:b ?

Consider the directed line segment XY ¯  with coordinates of the endpoints as X( x 1 , y 1 )  and Y( x 2 , y 2 ) .

Suppose the point Z divided the segment in the ratio a:b , then the point is a a+b of the way from X to Y .

So, generalizing the method we have, the components of the segment XZ ¯ are ( a a+b ( x 2 x 1 ) ),( a a+b ( y 2 y 1 ) ) .

Then, the X -coordinate of the point Z is

x 1 + a a+b ( x 2 x 1 )= x 1 ( a+b )+a( x 2 x 1 ) a+b = b x 1 +a x 2 a+b .

Similarly, the Y -coordinate is

y 1 + a a+b ( y 2 y 1 )= y 1 ( a+b )+a( y 2 y 1 ) a+b = b y 1 +a y 2 a+b .

Therefore, the coordinates of the point Z are ( b x 1 +a x 2 a+b , b y 1 +a y 2 a+b ) .

Example 1:

Find the coordinates of the point that divides the directed line segment MN ¯ with the coordinates of endpoints at M( 4,0 )  and M( 0,4 ) in the ratio 3:1 ?

Let L be the point that divides MN ¯  in the ratio 3:1 .

Here, ( x 1 , y 1 )=( 4,0 ),( x 2 , y 2 )=( 0,4 ) and a:b=3:1 .

Substitute in the formula. The coordinates of L are

( 1( 4 )+3( 0 ) 3+1 , 1( 0 )+3( 4 ) 3+1 ) .


( 4+0 4 , 0+12 4 )=( 1,3 )

Therefore, the point L( 1,3 )  divides MN ¯  in the ratio 3:1 .

Example 2:

What are the coordinates of the point that divides the directed line segment AB ¯  in the ratio 2:3 ?

Let C be the point that divides AB ¯  in the ratio 2:3 .

Here, ( x 1 , y 1 )=( 4,4 ),( x 2 , y 2 )=( 6,5 ) and a:b=2:3 .

Substitute in the formula. The coordinates of C are

( 3( 4 )+2( 6 ) 5 , 3( 4 )+2( 5 ) 5 ) .


( 12+12 5 , 1210 5 )=( 0, 2 5 ) =( 0,0.4 )

Therefore, the point C( 0,0.4 )  divides AB ¯  in the ratio 2:3 .

You can note that the Midpoint Formula is a special case of this formula when a=b=1 .