Ancient History: Egypt : Ancient History: Egypt

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Example Questions

Example Question #13 : Third Intermediate Period (1069 664 Bce)

Which of these statements about the Egyptian relationship with art is most accurate?

Possible Answers:

The Egyptians believed that the primary function of art was to manifest life.

The Egyptians never developed their own cohesive artistic style, and borrowed heavily from neighboring cultures.

The Egyptians were primarily concerned with the depiction of animals and people; artistic representations of the Gods were prohibited.

The Egyptians were obsessed with realism and tried to depict people as accurately as possible.

The Egyptians believed that artistic pursuits were a waste of time and a distraction from more productive labor.

Correct answer:

The Egyptians believed that the primary function of art was to manifest life.


The ancient Egyptians were concerned with realism in art, but not overly so. Indeed, many Egyptian works of art depict humans in an idealized form, rather than a natural form. The Egyptians did, however, believe that the primary function of art was to manifest life. For example, they believed that a depiction of a God was an incarnation of the God itself.

Example Question #311 : Ancient History: Egypt

Throughout ancient Egyptian history, __________, dedicated to various Gods, were worn for protection and good fortune.

Possible Answers:

gold wristbands


multi-colored crowns



Correct answer:



Throughout ancient Egyptian history, Egyptian people wore amulets that were dedicated to various Gods so that those Gods might offer them protection and good fortune. The Egyptians believed that these amulets were important both on Earth and in the afterlife, and so tended to bury rulers with amulets designed to ensure the favor of the Gods and to ward off evil spirits.

Example Question #312 : Ancient History: Egypt

The ancient Egyptians believed that the universe of pre-creation was __________.

Possible Answers:

inhabited by countless Gods and demigods

the exact opposite of their own world

dominated by demons and devils

exactly the same as their own world

contained within an eye of the God Atum

Correct answer:

the exact opposite of their own world


The ancient Egyptians generally understood the universe of pre-creation as the exact opposite of their own world. To early Egyptian theologians, the universe before creation was defined by inertia, darkness, and uncertainty. This was in complete contrast to their own world, which they viewed as defined by activity, light, and order.

Example Question #15 : Third Intermediate Period (1069 664 Bce)

In Ancient Egypt, what animals were not only feared, but also considered extremely bad omens?

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



Though the crocodiles were feared, hippos were considered even more deadly. The belief here was the association of hippos with the evil god Seth. Hippos were also capable of capsizing boats along the Nile.

Example Question #313 : Ancient History: Egypt

Who is known as the creator god in Ancient Egypt?

Possible Answers:

Ptah only

Amun only



Amun and Ptah

Correct answer:

Amun and Ptah


Amun and Ptah are both considered to be the creator god's in some way. Amun is associated with fertility, while Ptah is associated craftsman, architects and artists. Horus is the sky god and Isis is a guardian and magician, and the wife of Osiris.

Example Question #314 : Ancient History: Egypt

The temples of Karnak and Luxor are both associated with the worship of __________.

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



The temples of Karnak and Luxor were both temple complexes founded in the Upper Egyptian city of Thebes. As such, they are both associated with the worship of the chief Theban God, Amun. In the latter Pharaonic period, when Pharaonic authority resided in Thebes, the God Amun was fused with Ra to form Amun-Ra, the ultimate deity in the Egyptian pantheon. Karnak and Luxor were both centers of worship throughout the dynastic period.

Example Question #11 : Third Intermediate Period (1069 664 Bce)

Which of these statements about the priesthood is inaccurate?

Possible Answers:

Priestly positions were generally held for life.

Priests carried out rituals on behalf of kings and rulers.

Many temples restricted access to only high-ranking priests.

Priests were forbidden from marriage.

Priestly positions could be inherited.

Correct answer:

Priests were forbidden from marriage.


The priesthood was an important part of Egyptian society. Priests generally held their positions for life and could even pass on their position to favored sons. Priests were important because they carried out the daily rituals that the Egyptians believed were required to placate and satisfy their various Gods. Priests generally carried out rituals on behalf of kings and rulers and were imbued by Pharaohs with the power to represent Pharaonic authority to the Gods. Many temples restricted access to their inner sanctums and only allowed high-ranking priests inside.

Example Question #315 : Ancient History: Egypt

In Egyptian cosmology, __________ is the last event of creation.

Possible Answers:

the first sunrise

the inundation of the Nile

the formation of the Nile

the birth of man

the formation of the Moon

Correct answer:

the first sunrise


In Egyptian cosmology, the last event of creation is the first sunrise in history. The Egyptians believed that the Sun was an incarnation of the ultimate divinity and that the history of the world began with the first sunrise after creation.

Example Question #21 : Third Intermediate Period (1069 664 Bce)

Which of these statements about Egyptian temple ritual is inaccurate?

Possible Answers:

Temple rituals were usually carried out in private.

Temple rituals were designed to satiate and placate the Gods.

Priests enacted the ritual on behalf of the king.

Temple rituals were conducted every day.

None of these statements are inaccurate.

Correct answer:

None of these statements are inaccurate.


Throughout ancient Egyptian history, temple ritual was an important component of religious worship. Temple rituals were carried out multiple times a day, always in the morning and evening. They were conducted by priests, who acted on behalf of rulers. These priests made offerings of food and libation to a specific God. These offerings were designed to satiate and placate the Gods. The rituals were carried out, usually, in the inner sanctum of the temple and were not open to the general public.

Example Question #316 : Ancient History: Egypt

Which of these words would an ancient Egyptian be most likely to use to describe the God Amun?

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



The ancient Egyptians tended to describe the God Amun as “hidden,” “unknowable,” or “esoteric.” His name literally means “hidden,” and this was his primary characteristic. The worship of Amun originated in Thebes and spread around the rest of Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period and the New Kingdom. During this time period, Amun was fused with Ra to form Amun-Ra.

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