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Example Questions
Example Question #71 : How To Solve Two Step Equations
Solve for when
To solve for , first add
to both sides of the equation:
Then multiply both sides of the equation by :
Example Question #71 : How To Solve Two Step Equations With Integers In Pre Algebra
Solve for when
To solve for , first distribute the
outside the parentheses to both values inside the parentheses:
Then subtract from both sides of the equation:
Then divide both sides by :
Example Question #72 : How To Solve Two Step Equations With Integers In Pre Algebra
Solve for when
To solve for , first divide both sides of the equation by
Then take the square root of both sides of the equation:
However, remember that is also equal to
, so the answer is both positive and negative
Example Question #81 : How To Solve Two Step Equations
Solve for when
To solve for , first divide both sides of the equation by
Take the square root of both sides of the equation:
However, remember that is also equal to
, so the answer is both positive and negative
Example Question #231 : Algebraic Equations
What is if
Plugging in for
= .
Example Question #491 : High School Math
Solve for :
This equation can be solved in three steps.
First, subtract from both sides of the equation to isolate the variable and its coefficient on the left side of the equation.
Now multiply both sides by since
cannot be solved for while it is in the denominator.
Finally, divide both sides by to isolate
and find the solution.
Example Question #2 : How To Solve Two Step Equations With Fractions In Pre Algebra
Solve for .
Add 7 to both sides.
Multiply both sides by .
Divide both sides by 6.
Example Question #2 : How To Solve Two Step Equations With Fractions In Pre Algebra
Solve for .
We need to isolate . First, subtract
from both sides.
Multiply both sides by .
Finally, divide both sides by .
Example Question #2 : How To Solve Two Step Equations With Fractions In Pre Algebra
Solve for the value of .
We need to work to isolate the variable using inverse functions.
Subtract from both sides.
Multiply both sides by .
Example Question #2 : How To Solve Two Step Equations With Fractions In Pre Algebra
Solve for .
From here, you can either plug this into your calculator, or take the equation in pieces:
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