Varsity Tutors always has a different HSPT Verbal Question of the Day ready at your disposal! If you’re just looking to get a quick review into your busy day, our HSPT Verbal Question of the Day is the perfect option. Answer enough of our HSPT Verbal Question of the Day problems and you’ll be ready to ace the next test. Check out what today’s HSPT Verbal Question of the Day is below.

Your High School Placement Test, or HSPT, is a five-section, multiple-choice, standard exam that you may need to take before you get into high school. Whether you are looking for study material that can work alongside your current class load, or need a little refresher before you take a test, Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools provide study material that allows you to practice at your leisure in a number of applications. The Question of the Day allows you a chance to randomly test your skills with a question pulled from one of the many HSPT Verbal section practice tests. With each answer, you’re told how long it took you, your percentile, and how everyone else did.

Every day that you take the Question of the Day, you get important information. No matter if you answer correctly or not, it provides an explanation about the answer, as well as what concept it comes from. For instance, it may say the concept is “Determining Whether a Statement is True, False, or Uncertain.” Since the questions come at random directly from the HSPT Verbal section full-length practice tests, you are able to identify the concepts you need to focus on while you study. If you register on the website, your progress will be tracked as you answer on a daily basis. Though there’s no need to register if you don’t want you; you’re still able to access the full range of Learning Tools, including Flashcards, Full-Length Practice Tests that mimic the actual exam, and Learn by Concept. Each can be used to strategically create a study plan that can easily be implemented alongside current coursework.

One of the benefits of the Question of the Day is the randomization. With random questions, you can’t be totally prepared since you don’t know what type of question is coming at you. You really get to know where you are strong, and where you need to be working with additional study material. You can then make a study plan that works best for you. Use the information to your advantage by studying the material that you were in the lower percentile, or took the longest on. Consider using other Learning Tools like the Full-Length Practice Tests or Learn by Concept.

Each Question of the Day comes from the HSPT Verbal section practice tests, which cover a range of concepts. These concepts may include analogies from Anglo-Saxon, Latin, and Greek roots and prefixes, as well as the meanings based on relationships, like context, material composition, cause and effect, part and whole, example and category, and party and part. Other questions may cover autonyms, abilities, intensity, synonyms, subject and object, and other analogies. Finally, there are logic, verbal classifications, and synonyms. With these and other concepts used for the daily questions, you can get a quick daily refresher by answering the Question of the Day.

Use the Question of the Day for a free HSPT Verbal section daily refresher on the main concepts before the exam starts. Do one final one before you go, or use the other tools, like the flashcards, for a quick bit of test preparation.

Question of the Day: HSPT Verbal

Ire is the opposite of __________.





Learning Tools by Varsity Tutors