Free GED Diagnostic Tests
Free GED Practice Tests
The 2014 GED (or General Education Development), the latest adaptation of the test, is not simply one exam. Rather, it’s a collection of four content areas—Social Studies, Science, Mathematics, and Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA)—that are designed to certify that test-takers have the knowledge and skills normally taught in high school. The GED certificate obtained after passing the test is equivalent to a high school diploma, and this test is the only equivalency credential recognized in all fifty U.S. states and most Canadian provinces.
If you’re studying for the GED, you’re not alone. More than seven hundred thousand people take the test every year for many different reasons: to qualify for jobs, to apply to colleges and universities, or to otherwise further their educations. Nearly all employers recognize the GED as equivalent to a high school diploma, as do more than 95% of universities and colleges.
Each section of the GED has a certain number of raw points, and each individual score is computed together for the final score, which is on a scale of 100 to 200. To pass the test, test-takers must demonstrate that their skill is better than the bottom 60% of high school students: a total score of 150 is a passing score, while 170 or above is a passing GED score with honors. There is no score deducted for wrong or skipped answers, so guessing on questions is not penalized. In addition to the number score, you will also be given a percentile rank: if your rank is 76, it means you outscored 76% of graduating high school seniors.
The GED is a long test; in total, it takes seven-and-a-half hours to complete. Some states require test-takers to finish the entire test in one or two sittings, while others allow the test for each section to be taken on its own. Each state, province, and territory has its own testing centers, although most take place in high schools, community colleges, or adult education centers. The cost of the GED also depends on where you take it—it can be free, or as much as $120: $30 for each individual test. Policies about retaking each section, or the entire GED test, also differ by state, province, or territory. The GED is now completely computer-based; there is no longer a paper version.
Along with multiple choice questions, the 2014 GED has six more item types: extended response, drag-and-drop, drop-down, fill-in-the-blank, hot spot, and short answer. With hot-spot items, test-takers will select various areas for answers, like points on a coordinate system or number line. In drag-and-drop questions, you will be prompted to drag elements, usually within a graph or inventory. Fill-in-the-blank is similar to drop-down, except that in drop-down, the answer selections are provided for you. Short answers are written answers to questions, and there are only two, both of which are in the Science section. The GED has two extended response sections: one on the RLA, which can be answered in 45 minutes, and another in Social Studies, which takes 25 minutes.
Any GED study plan should include a review of each individual test section. It’s more than seven hours long and an intensive test, so preparation is highly recommended. Whether you took high school courses recently or not, familiarize yourself with the material, as well as how the GED tests the subjects: there may be a difference between how you learned high school subjects and how the GED treats them. Varsity Tutors’ free GED practice tests can help you get a feel for the computer-based exam and the time lengths allotted. Each test is made up of about twelve practice questions taken from the various topics covered in each of the GED’s subsections. The extensive feedback you receive on your performance can help you focus your studies on the particular areas in which you most need to improve. Plus, your results are saved on your Dashboard, so you can track your progress over time. If you’re planning to take the GED, Varsity Tutors’ free GED practice tests can help you come up with a focused plan and make the most of your study time.
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