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All GED Social Studies Resources
Free GED Social Studies Practice Tests
If you are a non-traditional student who wants to receive your General Education Development certification, you will probably need to take your state’s GED exam. Fortunately, Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools has a wealth of free GED Social Studies material available to help you prepare for your state exam. Each state has different requirements to pass, which means that not every state will have the same GED exam. However, most states expect test-takers to have an understanding of state and national history, government, and geography. Making use of the Learning Tools website provides you with the opportunity to access to free GED Social Studies material that will help you prepare for test day.
Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools are an excellent way to become familiar with important dates, figures, and terminology that may be needed to pass your state’s GED Social Studies test. Utilizing all the Learning Tools available is a great way to develop a deeper appreciation of high school social studies, and it also provides you with comprehensive Social Studies preparation. When you access the website, you will find thousands of GED Social Studies flashcards. In addition, you can complete one of the free GED Social Studies practice tests, or use the Question of the Day to learn a new fact. All of the resources available on the Learning Tools website were carefully developed to help you build a balanced study regimen.
The free GED Social Studies practice tests are an excellent way for you to learn new material or brush up on your knowledge. The tests are a great way to prepare for your state’s GED test. When you take the test, you will be asked a variety of questions similar to the ones you might expect to see on your state’s GED test. There are many GED Social Studies practice tests available on the Learning Tools website. Each test is grouped into categories like U.S. Government, World Governments, General Economics, Geography, and U.S. History.
The practice tests available on the Learning Tools website have been carefully constructed to help you get the most out of your learning experience. By studying and answering the GED Social Studies example questions, you can prepare for the actual GED test. One of the best features of the online GED practice tests is the results page at the end of each test. Here, you are shows simplified answers and explanations to each problem, your percentile ranking, and the amount of time you spent on each question. This information is useful when building a detailed and efficient study plan, and pinpoints the areas that you may need to work on.
Another benefit of the practice tests for GED Social Studies is the ability to save and track your results over time. Social media aficionados can share their results through a variety of social media platforms, which is great if you have a study group that you are sharing your progress with. Overall, Varsity Tutors’ GED Social Studies Learning Tools are a perfect addition to a balanced study plan.
Practice Tests by Concept
Content areas practice test
ged_social_studies-content-areasCivics and government practice test
ged_social_studies-civics-and-governmentElections and politics practice test
ged_social_studies-elections-and-politicsCampaigning and media practice test
ged_social_studies-campaigning-and-mediaElection process practice test
ged_social_studies-election-processInterest groups practice test
ged_social_studies-interest-groupsPolitical parties practice test
ged_social_studies-political-partiesGovernments and philosophies practice test
ged_social_studies-governments-and-philosophiesGovernment organization practice test
ged_social_studies-government-organizationFederalism and state governments practice test
ged_social_studies-federalism-and-state-governmentsLaws practice test
ged_social_studies-lawsOther organization concepts practice test
ged_social_studies-other-organization-conceptsSeparation of powers practice test
ged_social_studies-separation-of-powersPolitical philosophies practice test
ged_social_studies-political-philosophiesOther political philosophies practice test
ged_social_studies-other-political-philosophiesPhilosophies impacting the constitution practice test
ged_social_studies-philosophies-impacting-the-constitutionThe constitution practice test
ged_social_studies-the-constitutionVoting and majority rule practice test
ged_social_studies-voting-and-majority-ruleTypes of government practice test
ged_social_studies-types-of-governmentAuthoritarianism practice test
ged_social_studies-authoritarianismOligarchy practice test
ged_social_studies-oligarchyOther types of government practice test
ged_social_studies-other-types-of-governmentTypes of democracy practice test
ged_social_studies-types-of-democracyUs government practice test
ged_social_studies-us-governmentCivil rights practice test
ged_social_studies-civil-rightsBill of rights practice test
ged_social_studies-bill-of-rightsIndividual freedoms practice test
ged_social_studies-individual-freedomsCongress practice test
ged_social_studies-congressPowers of congress practice test
ged_social_studies-powers-of-congressThe house of representatives practice test
ged_social_studies-the-house-of-representativesThe senate practice test
ged_social_studies-the-senateDepartments and processes practice test
ged_social_studies-departments-and-processesConstitutional amendments practice test
ged_social_studies-constitutional-amendmentsDepartments and agencies practice test
ged_social_studies-departments-and-agenciesShared powers practice test
ged_social_studies-shared-powersFederal courts practice test
ged_social_studies-federal-courtsPowers of the federal courts practice test
ged_social_studies-powers-of-the-federal-courtsStructure of the federal courts practice test
ged_social_studies-structure-of-the-federal-courtsState governments practice test
ged_social_studies-state-governmentsPowers of state governments practice test
ged_social_studies-powers-of-state-governmentsThe president practice test
ged_social_studies-the-presidentPowers of the president practice test
ged_social_studies-powers-of-the-presidentStructure of the presidency practice test
ged_social_studies-structure-of-the-presidencyEconomics practice test
ged_social_studies-economicsConsumer and federal relationships practice test
ged_social_studies-consumer-and-federal-relationshipsCredit and debt practice test
ged_social_studies-credit-and-debtEconomics and war practice test
ged_social_studies-economics-and-warGovernment regulations practice test
ged_social_studies-government-regulationsEconomic principles practice test
ged_social_studies-economic-principlesRelationships and operation practice test
ged_social_studies-relationships-and-operationGross domestic product practice test
ged_social_studies-gross-domestic-productIndividuals and institutions practice test
ged_social_studies-individuals-and-institutionsInflation and deflation practice test
ged_social_studies-inflation-and-deflationInvestment practice test
ged_social_studies-investmentMonetary policy and system practice test
ged_social_studies-monetary-policy-and-systemOther economic operations practice test
ged_social_studies-other-economic-operationsSupply and demand practice test
ged_social_studies-supply-and-demandTaxes and tariffs practice test
ged_social_studies-taxes-and-tariffsTerminology and concepts practice test
ged_social_studies-terminology-and-conceptsLabor and capital practice test
ged_social_studies-labor-and-capitalMarkets and competition practice test
ged_social_studies-markets-and-competitionOpportunity costs and profit practice test
ged_social_studies-opportunity-costs-and-profitOther economic concepts practice test
ged_social_studies-other-economic-conceptsGeography practice test
ged_social_studies-geographyHuman populations and cultures practice test
ged_social_studies-human-populations-and-culturesCultural diversity practice test
ged_social_studies-cultural-diversityImmigration and emigration practice test
ged_social_studies-immigration-and-emigrationPopulation trends practice test
ged_social_studies-population-trendsRegional and border concepts practice test
ged_social_studies-regional-and-border-conceptsSociety development practice test
ged_social_studies-society-developmentNations and states practice test
ged_social_studies-nations-and-statesNotable historic societies practice test
ged_social_studies-notable-historic-societiesTechnology, resources, and sustainability practice test
ged_social_studies-technology-resources-and-sustainabilityUrban and rural societies practice test
ged_social_studies-urban-and-rural-societiesUnited states history practice test
ged_social_studies-united-states-historyCivil rights and demographics practice test
ged_social_studies-civil-rights-and-demographicsCivil rights movement practice test
ged_social_studies-civil-rights-movementCourt cases and civil rights practice test
ged_social_studies-court-cases-and-civil-rightsMinorities in the united states practice test
ged_social_studies-minorities-in-the-united-statesWomen's rights practice test
ged_social_studies-women-s-rightsCivil war practice test
ged_social_studies-civil-warAmendments and emancipation practice test
ged_social_studies-amendments-and-emancipationReconstruction policies practice test
ged_social_studies-reconstruction-policiesSlavery practice test
ged_social_studies-slaveryUnion and confederacy practice test
ged_social_studies-union-and-confederacyCold war practice test
ged_social_studies-cold-warArms and technology races practice test
ged_social_studies-arms-and-technology-racesCommunism, socialism, and capitalism practice test
ged_social_studies-communism-socialism-and-capitalismEffects of the cold war practice test
ged_social_studies-effects-of-the-cold-warNato practice test
ged_social_studies-natoPresidents of the cold war practice test
ged_social_studies-presidents-of-the-cold-warTruman doctrine and marshall plan practice test
ged_social_studies-truman-doctrine-and-marshall-planHistoric documents and court decisions practice test
ged_social_studies-historic-documents-and-court-decisionsConstitution practice test
ged_social_studies-constitutionDeclaration of independence practice test
ged_social_studies-declaration-of-independenceMagna carta practice test
ged_social_studies-magna-cartaMayflower compact practice test
ged_social_studies-mayflower-compactNotable court cases practice test
ged_social_studies-notable-court-casesOther historic documents practice test
ged_social_studies-other-historic-documentsModern united states practice test
ged_social_studies-modern-united-states9/11 practice test
ged_social_studies-9-11Afghanistan, iraq, and middle east relations practice test
ged_social_studies-afghanistan-iraq-and-middle-east-relationsOther modern events and effects practice test
ged_social_studies-other-modern-events-and-effectsRevolutionary era practice test
ged_social_studies-revolutionary-eraFounding fathers and constitutional framers practice test
ged_social_studies-founding-fathers-and-constitutional-framersOther revolutionary history practice test
ged_social_studies-other-revolutionary-historyRevolutionary war practice test
ged_social_studies-revolutionary-warWorld wars i and ii practice test
ged_social_studies-world-wars-i-and-iiAlliances practice test
ged_social_studies-alliancesEffects of world war i practice test
ged_social_studies-effects-of-world-war-iEffects of world war ii practice test
ged_social_studies-effects-of-world-war-iiFascism and totalitarianism practice test
ged_social_studies-fascism-and-totalitarianismHolocaust practice test
ged_social_studies-holocaustImperialism and nationalism practice test
ged_social_studies-imperialism-and-nationalismIsolationism and neutrality practice test
ged_social_studies-isolationism-and-neutralityJapanese internment practice test
ged_social_studies-japanese-internment_aaRussian revolution practice test
ged_social_studies-russian-revolutionTreaty of versailles practice test
ged_social_studies-treaty-of-versaillesQuestion types practice test
ged_social_studies-question-typesText analysis practice test
ged_social_studies-text-analysisMaking connections practice test
ged_social_studies-making-connectionsBias practice test
ged_social_studies-biasHistorical context practice test
ged_social_studies-historical-contextInferences about the author practice test
ged_social_studies-inferences-about-the-authorOther passage connections practice test
ged_social_studies-other-passage-connectionsProblem solving practice test
ged_social_studies-problem-solvingPassage content practice test
ged_social_studies-passage-contentCause and effect practice test
ged_social_studies-cause-and-effectEvaluating evidence practice test
ged_social_studies-evaluating-evidenceFact and opinion practice test
ged_social_studies-fact-and-opinionIdentifying main idea practice test
ged_social_studies-identifying-main-ideaOrder of events and processes practice test
ged_social_studies-order-of-events-and-processesOther passage content practice test
ged_social_studies-other-passage-contentWord meaning practice test
ged_social_studies-word-meaningVisual representations practice test
ged_social_studies-visual-representationsPolitical cartoons practice test
ged_social_studies-political-cartoonsTables, graphs, and charts practice test
ged_social_studies-tables-graphs-and-chartsAll GED Social Studies Resources
Practice Quizzes
GED Social Studies Problem Set 33
ged_social_studies_33GED Social Studies Problem Set 32
ged_social_studies_32GED Social Studies Problem Set 30
ged_social_studies_30GED Social Studies Problem Set 29
ged_social_studies_29GED Social Studies Problem Set 28
ged_social_studies_28GED Social Studies Problem Set 27
ged_social_studies_27GED Social Studies Problem Set 26
ged_social_studies_26GED Social Studies Problem Set 25
ged_social_studies_25GED Social Studies Problem Set 24
ged_social_studies_24GED Social Studies Problem Set 23
ged_social_studies_23All GED Social Studies Resources
GED Social Studies Problem Set 22
ged_social_studies_22GED Social Studies Problem Set 21
ged_social_studies_21GED Social Studies Problem Set 20
ged_social_studies_20GED Social Studies Problem Set 19
ged_social_studies_19GED Social Studies Problem Set 18
ged_social_studies_18GED Social Studies Problem Set 17
ged_social_studies_17GED Social Studies Problem Set 16
ged_social_studies_16GED Social Studies Problem Set 15
ged_social_studies_15GED Social Studies Problem Set 14
ged_social_studies_14GED Social Studies Problem Set 13
ged_social_studies_13All GED Social Studies Resources
GED Social Studies Problem Set 12
ged_social_studies_12GED Social Studies Problem Set 11
ged_social_studies_11GED Social Studies Problem Set 10
ged_social_studies_10GED Social Studies Problem Set 9
ged_social_studies_9GED Social Studies Problem Set 8
ged_social_studies_8GED Social Studies Problem Set 7
ged_social_studies_7GED Social Studies Problem Set 5
ged_social_studies_5GED Social Studies Problem Set 4
ged_social_studies_4GED Social Studies Problem Set 3
ged_social_studies_3GED Social Studies Problem Set 2
ged_social_studies_2All GED Social Studies Resources
GED Social Studies Problem Set 1
ged_social_studies_1Certified Tutor
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All GED Social Studies Resources
