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Example Questions
Example Question #137 : How To Find Median
Find the median of the following set:
To find the median of any set, arrange the set in order from lowest to highest, and then find the number in the middle.
If two numbers split the middle, take the average of the two of them.
The best answer is:
Example Question #138 : How To Find Median
Find the median of the following set:
To find the median of any set, arrange the set in order from lowest to highest, and then find the number in the middle. If two numbers split the middle, take the average of the two of them. In this particular case all data entries are the same and therefore the median is equal to 2.
To verify take the average of entry 5 and 6.
Example Question #139 : How To Find Median
Find the median of the following set:
To find the median of any set, arrange the set in order from lowest to highest, and then find the number in the middle.
Since the data set an odd number of entries the median will lie in the middle.
Therefore the median is .
Example Question #341 : Statistics And Probability
Find the median of the following set:
To find the median of any set, arrange the set in order from lowest to highest, and then find the number in the middle.
The set is already in order and has an odd number of entries therefore the median will lie at the middle entry.
Thus the median is .
Example Question #342 : Statistics And Probability
Find the median of the following numbers:
{1, 9, 3, 14, 15, 13, 2, 7, 8, 4, 5}
Start by putting the numbers in ascending order:
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15}
Once you do that you make your way to the middle number (as that is what the median is) which you find to be .
Example Question #343 : Statistics And Probability
Find the median:
Rearrange the numbers from least to greatest.
The median is the central number of an odd dataset.
The answer is .
Example Question #1772 : Algebra 1
Find the median of first hundred positive integers (i.e through
This is an even data set and therefore doesn't have any single middle value that separates the data set into two equal smaller sets. Rather, it has two middle values, and
. Hence the median is the average of these two numbers. So,
Example Question #1773 : Algebra 1
A test was given to a class of students. Three students scored
, two scored
, one scored
, two scored
and two scored
. What was the median score of the class?
The median is the middle value of the set when arranged in an ascending or descending order.
First we arrange the set of score-
Since this set has an even number of terms, there is no single middle term but two middle terms and
So we take the average of the two middle terms which comes out to be .
Example Question #1774 : Algebra 1
A test was given to a class of students. Three students scored
, two scored
, one scored
, two scored
, one scored
and two scored
. What was the median score of the class?
The median is the middle value of the set when arranged in an ascending ot descending order.
First we arrange the set of score-
Since this set has an odd number of terms, there is a single middle term- the term in this case which is
Hence is the median.
Example Question #343 : Statistics And Probability
What is the median of the dataset?
Reorder the numbers so that they are all in chronological order.
Since there is an even amount of numbers in the set, the median is the average of the two center numbers, negative two and eight.
Find the average of these two numbers.
The median is .
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