The Hardest Exam Ever.... by Sophia
Sophiaof Aldie's entry into Varsity Tutor's December 2016 scholarship contest
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The Hardest Exam Ever.... by Sophia - December 2016 Scholarship Essay
Sitting down to take the AP BC Calculus Exam was one of the most challenging parts of my high school career, but it is an event that made me feel accomplished and proud. I have always been in the top of my math classes, always taken the advanced courses, and never received below a B....ever. Calculus was my turning point.
I started the class with a positive attitude and lots of energy. My ultimate goal of the class was to pass the AP exam and check off some credits for college. After receiving a C on my first test I knew this year wasn't going to be an easy one. I used my study halls to get help and study intensely for upcoming tests. My goal did not change, and I continued to prepare for the concluding exam. As I got tests back, my confidence started to fade away; C's, D's and F's started to become the new norm for me. This class challenged my my brain and stamina. I was not giving up though.
After 9 months of stumbling through calculus, I was finally ready to take my exam. I came prepared with a few sharpened pencils, a fully charged calculator, and a huge eraser. I sat down sweating in my designated seat hoping my nerves didn't show. My friend, who was across the room, gave me a thumbs up as the proctor started reciting the instructions monotonously. My brain went into focus, mode and I franticly started doing calculations. I constantly got stuck and my thoughts drifted, but there was zero time for dilly-dallying. I finished the exam relieved and proud.
I thought for sure I would receive a one on the exam. I had gotten ones on every practice exam I took, so I wasn't expecting anything more. In July, I received an email with my score attached. I was too scared to even open it. I had already warned parents not to expect anything worth celebrating. When I clicked on the file a large number two appeared. My face lit up. It was unbelievable that I had received a two on the AP Calculus exam. Though it wasn't a passing grade and not what I had hoped for, I had worked so hard for that two, and for me, that two was worth celebrating.
Though this accomplishment didn't promote my skills or get me into my top college, it is a success that I put work into and received through perseverance.