Art For the Heart by Seleste

Selesteof Keizer's entry into Varsity Tutor's January 2017 scholarship contest

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Seleste of Keizer, RI
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Art For the Heart by Seleste - January 2017 Scholarship Essay

Art has always been a form of expression for me. The words that I can’t speak out are said through the form of art. Taking multiple years of art has made me realize that I have the power, through art, to help my community grow and to put a face to the amazing people who fill it up. Not only has art influenced my decision but also classes in geography and literature.

A great volunteer opportunity came knocking to my door, a few months ago. I had the chance to work with elderly people and show them the many ways to express themselves. The first few days were filled with helping them with their daily necessities. My days became busy with many tasks from school. I soon lost the interest in helping others. I was in a mindset that, I had to work on myself and only work for the progression of myself. I blocked the opportunities that I had to grow my community.

After a few months our family got really bad news, my grandma from Mexico had passed away, I never felt sad because I didn’t have a real close connection to her. That was the moment where I understood that I needed to grow more relationships with people. I took myself from that “self” perspective and I put my mindset into the “one” perspective. I felt that the “self” perspective was a visual of what others thought of me, I was always thinking of what was going to benefit me over the benefits of others. The “one” side of me is the realness, I was always myself and felt that I didn't have to be artificial. I took on the responsibility of going to the care center at least three days a week.

In a span of four week, my comprehension, of who I truly was, grew. I not only connected with my oneness, but i also connected to others. I listened to millions of stories from the elderly and I saw a glimpse into their stories. They taught me to help others, not be selfish, and have an open mind. With every trip I took to the care center, I gathered my art supplies and had art sessions with everyone. I expressed myself in a very different way.

The volunteer opportunity that was brought to me, not only impacted others, but it made a significant change on me. One of the biggest things that I learned is to always give a chance to new ideas. The outcome of this service was incredible. Taking that extra time to help my community is something that I will never regret.
