Describe a school accomplishment you're most proud of and why. by Ethan
Ethanof Tigard's entry into Varsity Tutor's December 2016 scholarship contest
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Describe a school accomplishment you're most proud of and why. by Ethan - December 2016 Scholarship Essay
My mother tells me that I take after my maternal grandfather in my affinity for mathematics. I come from a family of engineers and scientists. I have always been fascinated by mathematics. Math is about logic and allows for a different type of creative problem solving than the arts. Yes, math can be a creative art form! One has to apply the right principles, sometimes think outside normal parameters, proving or disproving problems and much more. Consider Einstein’s creative brain that brought us the theory of relativity. His wild hair and genius is a major contribution and to the world.
I am most proud of my pursuit of knowledge in mathematics. I am studying college level multi-variable calculus for my senior year. It is a challenging course and requires focus and dedication. I had options of taking an easier path for my high school curriculum but that would not have pushed me to reach my potential. I also had concerns on compromising my GPA with more difficult classes but with the support of my family, I have pursued taking advanced math courses to develop further in this area. I have welcomed taking on opportunities that take me out of my comfort zone. From playing football as a freshman and sophomore to participating in track and field or volunteer opportunities, I have always been open to try new challenges. Taking these advanced math courses is a way for me to see how far I can go and use my creative side of my brain in a different way than the traditional arts route. I hope to use this forum to get more people excited about math and science and change and expand the conversation around what is creative.