Adversity and Overcoming the Odds-What I am most proud of! by Austin

Austinof Allentown's entry into Varsity Tutor's December 2016 scholarship contest

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Austin of Allentown, PA
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Adversity and Overcoming the Odds-What I am most proud of! by Austin - December 2016 Scholarship Essay

Joining the wrestling team in High School had such a huge impact on me that it literally shaped me as a person. It will continue to affect what I do for the rest of my life. Freshmen year I was a lost soul. I did not fit in in school with the "jocks" or the "smart kids". I was not good enough for traditional sports teams so I settled for Cross Country because they did not “cut” kids. On November 30, 2012 the wrestling coach called me to say he needed me for the team. (I was only 98 pounds so I filled a light -weight spot) I agonized over the thought of joining the High School Wrestling team. I was not a very good wrestler but my other option was Track, which was not very appealing either. I took a leap of faith and joined. I spent 3 years getting pummeled. While I wasn't terrible, I just wasn't finding complete success. Finally in the summer of my junior year, I decided I loved wrestling and I wanted to prove to myself, my family and everyone else that I could be great. I spent that summer going to tough tournaments and losing. Each time I lost I evaluated why and I worked on those skills specifically. I went to a summer wrestling camp for a month where I worked harder than I ever have in my life. I joined a wrestling club and spent hours drilling and learning.
Senior year my record was 48-8. I came in first in the Class L states, 2nd in the State Open and fourth in New England. I became the most accomplished wrestler in my High Schools history. I have never worked at anything as hard as I did with wrestling. It paid off and I finally found who I was and what I could accomplish with hard work. I have now applied all I have learned to every aspect of my life and I am finding success academically, socially and athletically.
I am currently working with my college coach to help him recruit kids to our college team. When people ask me what my major is, my mom often jokes that it is wrestling. Although, I know wrestling is not a major, I intend to find a way to use everything I have learned to help other kids who are struggling. The skills I learned in Wrestling defined me as a person. Discipline, accountability, sacrifice, hard work, perseverance, dedication and commitment are all life skills. I have learned to apply all of these in every aspect of my life. I want to find a way to help other kids who may be struggling as I did. I was lucky to have the support of my family and I have found my passion. I hope I can help others find theirs too.
