From Shy to Out in Front by Alana
Alanaof Sturgeon's entry into Varsity Tutor's December 2016 scholarship contest
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From Shy to Out in Front by Alana - December 2016 Scholarship Essay
Growing up shy and timid, most people would have never pictured me as a cheerleader. A sport where you have to stand up in front of a crowd of people and yell loud to keep them excited for the game being played; win or lose. However; the first time I stood front-and-center in that gym cheering, I fell in love with the sport.
I first experienced cheerleading in middle school when the Varsity cheerleaders hosted a camp for elementary and middle school students. After participating in that camp, I knew I would try out for the squad the moment I was old enough. I became a cheerleader my 7th grade year of middle school. That first year, I learned how to trust my teammates. I was small so I became a “flyer” which meant I was the girl they would lift and throw in the air. My 8th grade year, I was awarded the title of team captain for the Middle School squad. My coach saw a quality in me that no one had seen before, a leader. This was my first experience as a leader. Since I still considered myself shy I never saw myself as a leader; but, I took on the role with poise and loved it.
Over the years, cheerleading has helped me come out of my shell to overcome my shyness. It has offered me many opportunities that otherwise I would not have pursued. I was chosen as co-captain my sophomore year of high school, awarded captain my junior and now my senior year of high school, as well.
With the role of captain comes great responsibility. You first have to earn the respect of your squad so they will respect you as their leader. You have to be more vocal and truly “lead” the squad both on the sidelines and in school. You must be a positive role model and be willing to stand loud and proud. Cheerleading has brought something out in me that I would never thought possible; I truly see myself as a completely different person from that shy little 7th grader I started out as.
The role of captain is not necessarily the accomplishment I am most proud of. The accomplishment was hidden in that role of captain. I never thought I would be able to overcome my shy, timid personality. Being able to conquer that trait has proven to be very rewarding as I will be attending a University where I will not know a single person and be away from home. If I had not been given that first opportunity as a leader through cheerleading, I would have been afraid to attend a college away from home where I would have to have conversations with strangers in an attempt to get to know people. Although this is my final chapter in cheerleading, I am grateful for the person it lead me to be.