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Example Question #935 : Identifying Sentence Errors
The United States has been a country of immigrants since its foundation. This is still true today. The United States allows more people to immigrate to it then any other country. This stream of immigration have resulted in an extremely diverse population with many different cultures and languages. As most public schools in the United States provide a monolingual education, immigrant parents are often unsure of whether or not they should teach their children their heritage language.
There are many myths surrounding the idea of bilingual education that prevent its widespread implementation in public schools. However, bilingual education has actually been shown to produce higher achievements in both languages. As well as enhance problem solving and critical thinking skills. Because some public school systems have successfully implemented bilingual education, there are still enormous difficulties in terms of resources and support from the U.S. Board of Education.
Which of the following sentences contains an error in subject-verb agreement?
However, bilingual education has actually been shown to produce higher acheivements in both languages.
There are many myths surrounding the idea of bilingual education that prevent its widespread implementation in public schools.
As the United States School system provides a monolingual education, immigrant parents are often unsure of whether or not to teach their children their heritage language.
This stream of immigration have resulted in an extremely diverse population with many different cultures and languages.
As most public schools in the United States provide a monolingual education, immigrant parents are often unsure of whether or not they should teach their children their heritage language.
This stream of immigration have resulted in an extremely diverse population with many different cultures and languages.
The sentence which contains an error is "This stream of immigration have resulted in an extremely diverse population with many different cultures and languages." The verb used should be "has" rather than "have" because the subject of the sentence is the singular "stream."
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