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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Solve Logarithmic Equations
Solve for .
First bring the inside exponent in front of the natural log.
Next simplify the first term and bring all the terms on one side of the equation.
Next, let set
, so
Now use the quadratic formula to solve for .
and thus, and
Now substitute with
So, since
Thus, .
Example Question #6 : Solve Logarithmic Equations
Solve the logarithmic equation:
None of the other answers.
Exponentiate each side to cancel the natural log:
Square both sides:
Isolate x:
Example Question #1166 : Pre Calculus
Solve for x:
The base of a logarithm is 10 by default:
convert to exponent to isolate x
subtract 1 from both sides
divide both sides by 2
Example Question #1167 : Pre Calculus
Solve for x:
First, condense the left side into one logarithm:
convert to an exponent
multiply both sides by 7
Example Question #1168 : Pre Calculus
Solve for x:
no solution
First, consolidate the left side into one logarithm:
convert to an exponent
subtract 64 from both sides
now we can solve using the quadratic formula:
Example Question #11 : Solve Logarithmic Equations
Solve the following logarithmic equation:
We must first use some properties of logs to rewrite the equation. First, using the power rule, which says
we can rewrie the left side of the equation, as below:
Now, we want to use the product property of logarithms to condense the right side into just one log, as below:
Because the logs are both base 10, we can simply set the insides equal, like this:
Now we have a polynomial to solve.
Using the quadratic formula to solve for x
Example Question #71 : Exponential And Logarithmic Functions
Solve this logarithm for :
None of these.
Divide both sides by 25 to isolate the exponential function:
Take the natural log of both sides:
Solve for x:
Example Question #71 : Exponential And Logarithmic Functions
Solve the following logarithmic equation.
In order to solve the logarithmic equation, we use the following property
As such
And converting from logarithmic form to exponential form
we get
Solving for x
And because the square of a difference is given as this equation through factoring
we have
which implies
Example Question #1171 : Pre Calculus
Express the log in its expanded form:
None of the other answers
You need to know the Laws of Logarithms in order to solve this problem. The ones specifically used in this problem are the following:
Let's take this one variable at a time starting with expanding z:
Now y:
And finally expand x:
Example Question #11 : Solve Logarithmic Equations
What is equivalent to?
Using the properties of logarithms,
the expression can be rewritten as
which simplifies to .
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