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Example Questions
Example Question #94 : Linear Algebra
Which of the following is an identity matrix?
All of these are valid identitiy matricies.
An identity matrix is a square matrix in which all diagonal elements are 1 and all non-diagonal elements are 0. The only square matricies above are:
The former of these two matricies is the only one fitting the critera of diagonal elements (diagonal meaning from top left to bottom right) being 1 and non-diagonal elements being 0.
Example Question #22 : Operations And Properties
Which of the following is a diagonal matrix?
A diagonal matrix is a matrix in which all elements except diagonal elements are zero. A diagonal element of a matrix M is the element Mij for which i=j. Here, i refers to the number of columns and j is the number of rows. The only matrix that fufills this definition is:
Example Question #21 : Operations And Properties
Which of the following is a diagonal matrix?
A diagonal matrix is a matrix in which all elements except diagonal elements are zero. A diagonal element of a matrix M is the element Mij for which i=j. Here, i refers to the number of columns and j is the number of rows. The matrix doesn't necessarily have to be a square matrix; as long as elements not in the form Mii are zero, the matrix is diagnoal. The only matrix that fufills this definition is:
Example Question #1 : The Transpose
Find the transpose of Matrix .
To find the transpose, we need to make columns into rows.
Example Question #1 : The Transpose
Transpose matrix A where,
You cannot transpose a square matrix
Transposing a matrix simply means to make the columns of the original matrix the rows in the transposed matrix. Example: ie. column 1 become row 1, column 2 becomes row 2, etc.
Example Question #2 : The Transpose
Not possible with non-square matrices
Transposing a matrix simply means to make the columns of the original matrix the rows in the transposed matrix. Example: ie. column 1 become row 1, column 2 becomes row 2, etc.
Example Question #1 : The Transpose
Transposing a matrix simply means to make the columns of the original matrix the rows in the transposed matrix. Example: ie. column 1 become row 1, column 2 becomes row 2, etc.
Example Question #1 : The Transpose
Transposing a matrix simply means to make the columns of the original matrix the rows in the transposed matrix. Example: ie. column 1 become row 1, column 2 becomes row 2, etc.
Example Question #1 : The Transpose
Not Possible
Transposing a matrix simply means to make the columns of the original matrix the rows in the transposed matrix. Example: ie. column 1 become row 1, column 2 becomes row 2, etc.
Example Question #3 : The Transpose
Transposing a matrix simply means to make the columns of the original matrix the rows in the transposed matrix. Example: ie. column 1 become row 1, column 2 becomes row 2, etc.