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Our free CLEP Biology Practice Tests are each a selection of 10 to 12 questions, which will give you a cross-section of topics from the CLEP Biology exam. You might think of them as little quizzes, which you can use to hone your skills.
Free CLEP Biology Practice Tests
Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools provides CLEP Biology practice tests in addition to practice tests for many other subjects covered in the College Level Examination Program. The goal of this program is to assess the knowledge a student may have gained through courses, internships, work experience, or independent study. If they can demonstrate proficiency, then they may be exempt from required courses. The program is recognized by thousands of colleges and universities across the nation. To master the subjects, however, you must be prepared. That’s where the CLEP Biology example questions may help.
The free CLEP Biology practice tests contain sets of commonly asked questions. From facts on the most basic lifeforms to questions and calculations involving biochemistry, the sample questions run through what you’ll need to know come test day. You can brush up on familiar topics or study more intensively for those you’re not so familiar with. The free CLEP Biology practice is followed by a summary of how many people you outscored, plus charts that break down your performance on the practice test. These let you assess your current skill level and compare how you did against other people’s scores. You can also read the explanations to answers you got wrong to review the applicable topics.
Once you see your results, you can share them on social media. Sharing your scores with friends and classmates adds another dimension to the study process. Students can motivate one another on complex topics or even challenge one another each time they take the CLEP Biology review test exercises. Whatever the case, the CLEP Biology practice tests can help you to build working knowledge and confidence in answering often-challenging questions. It can pay off to get accustomed to the phrasing and question structures of the test as well.
The biology section is just one of many CLEP subject tests covered in the Learning Tools. For example, you can also brush up on CLEP Calculus by taking one of the many tests and exercises available. These require you to solve position, acceleration, distance, and interval problems and work with various types of equations. There are also full-length practice tests available. You can also take advantage of CLEP Chemistry example questions that tap into your knowledge of chemistry concepts, definitions, and problem solving. There is also a wealth of other Learning Tools available, including flashcards, a Question of the Day, and the ability to Learn by Concept.
College biology concepts range from simple beginning concepts to more specialized disciplines. The CLEP Biology exam and the free test questions online may provide the opportunity to bypass some courses in college. That’s not easy to do without some organized preparation. The practice tests have been engineered to enable students to build their skills and confidence so they may earn college credits before even stepping foot into university halls. Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools can help you build a comprehensive CLEP Biology study plan for you to use all the way up to test day.
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