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Question of the Day: SSAT Upper Level Verbal
Complete this analogy.
Anatomy is to body as _____________.
medic is to hospital
kidney is to organ
poetry is to rhyme
meteorology is to weather
captain is to crew
The SSAT Upper Level Verbal Question of the Day is a great way to brush up on your skills prior to taking the Upper Level SSAT, or Secondary School Admission Test. The Question of the Day is a daily test practice, which encompasses only one question each day for the SSAT Verbal topic. The question can be emailed to you, or you can access it through the website or the application. It is a great way you can work in daily test review with only a small amount of time as it can be done anywhere and at any time, as long as you have Internet access.
The SSAT Upper Level Verbal Question of the Day is pulled from a selection of possible questions that may be on the Verbal portion of the exam on test day. The questions cover both main Verbal topics of analogies and synonyms. The questions are a random selection, so you will be able to cover all the relevant topics and subtopics, and keep them fresh in your mind.
After answering the question each day, you get a detailed and personalized report on your performance as a whole for all questions answered. This report details the number of correct and incorrect questions you have answered, how others who have answered the questions have done, the amount of time it took you to answer each question, and the average amount of time taken by others to answer. The results are displayed in graph form, which is great to be able to see your studying progress and where you need to improve. There is also an explanation of how to answer the question, so you will know if your reasoning for your answer was correct.
This detailed report also will help you to determine what areas are strong in and which areas you need to strengthen. This will help you to make your test review more efficient so you can focus more on the areas that you need, rather than on all the possible content. This also makes test review more manageable. So if your weaknesses are in word roots or suffixes, you can focus more on those areas. However, the Question of the Day still keeps the topics you don’t need as much work on fresh in your mind for the exam day.
You can combine the SSAT Upper Level Verbal Question of the Day with the other free practice Learning Tools, such as Practice Tests, Flashcards, and Learn by Concept, to create a comprehensive test review system that is completely customizable to your needs. Also, because of the variety of the different test review Learning Tools, you can use it to work with your study and learning style.
The SSAT Upper Level Question of the Day will help you to determine your strengths and weaknesses, and help you to create a customized plan to improve those weaknesses. By utilizing the Question of the Day and the other free test review tools, you will set the groundwork for successful test preparation.
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