I learned my lesson. by Taylor

Taylorof Phoenix's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2017 scholarship contest

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Taylor of Phoenix, AZ
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I learned my lesson. by Taylor - February 2017 Scholarship Essay

When hasn’t anyone failed at something? There are times when I failed at the smallest things in life but I grew from them. I have to say though my biggest fail though happened at my last job and I learned a big lesson from it. My manager told me to clock her back in from lunch when she was not on the premises yet.

This was one of those times where I did not know what to do because she was my manager and she was telling me to do something, but in the same breath I could not really say no because she was my manager. It was a double edged sword situation and I did not know what to do. I know what result it gave me by doing it though, being let go.

I have never felt so unprofessional, so disappointed in myself, and so naïve. I knew it was wrong but I had no one to go to, to resolve this. Anyone higher up than her were not in the office and unreachable. This incident has taught me a lot and I have grown from it tremendously since then.

What I took out of this was that I now know that I can calmly talk to future managers and explain to them I am not comfortable doing this and I will not. There is no way I will ever let a situation like this happen again. I would rather be let go for an incident like mine to not happen again rather than repeating my mistake twice. This has taught me to be stronger for myself and my position in life and to not be pushed around again.
