Adult Learner Study Tactics by Tammy

Tammyof Battle Creek's entry into Varsity Tutor's January 2014 scholarship contest

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Tammy of Battle Creek, MI
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Adult Learner Study Tactics by Tammy - January 2014 Scholarship Essay

As an adult learner returning to college, I have found that I have had to change my studying methods compared to when I was in my youth. With the demands of working full time coupled with family and parenthood responsibilities, I am often forced to apply several different techniques in any given class. This flexibility has allowed me to continue to prosper as a student and keep family and career in check as well. One study method that has been highly successful has been my synopsis notes.

Working as a paramedic, I spend 12-24 hours at work per shift, sitting in an ambulance with little warning as to when the next 911 call will happen. Because of this, I needed a plan to best utilize my time while being constantly distracted and forced to start and stop whatever I was doing. With three teens at home, the distractions weren't just at work, so I devised a plan that included repetition, and preparation for studying as well as a constant review of information.

I am an audible/kinesthetic learner, and when I write, I can hear my voice reading it. I decided that reading a small section at a time and then writing brief synopsis in my own words kept me from forgetting what information I had covered. This also kept the pieces small and manageable versus trying to tackle a full chapter at a time and not getting back to writing out notes on it for a few hours.

With these small sections being rewritten, it allowed me to regurgitate the information in my own words right away while it was fresh in my mind. It also kept the information more palatable. Text books can at times be similar to reading and interpreting stereo instructions, but once it is put into an everyday dialect, the information had greater meaning and was easier to retain. Along with my synopsis note taking, I would record the page numbers for a quick reference guide.

Throughout the chapters, there are often questions and vocabulary that I included with my notes. I used those questions and highlighted vocabulary words to make note cards. I also included any associated pictures, whether from the text itself or ones found online, that better explained the word or situation. By the end of each chapter of the book, I had a note card with each question and answer, important pictures,and each vocabulary word, that was easy for me to take with me wherever I went-kids soccer practice, orthodontist waiting room, bathtub, etc. Not only did I have nice note cards to review with, but I had the entire chapter broken down section by section in my own written words, that I could review.
