Don't give up by Tajaun
Tajaunof Plano's entry into Varsity Tutor's February 2017 scholarship contest
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Don't give up by Tajaun - February 2017 Scholarship Essay
“I’m done with this school!!!” I would say this every day at my old school. This is a problem I had to overcome and use new learning skills I obtained. Plano High School Academy is the school I went to. It is a project based school where you have to work in groups of three or four. This was a major problem for me because of my Learning style.
States should make different high schools for different types of learning styles. If they made schools for different types of learning styles students would do better. Researchers think it is better to use your learning style techniques because “it helps you succeed in school, college, and a University. It gives you customized techniques to score better on tests and exams. It also reduces the stress and frustration of learning experiences”. According to researches there are “as many as 70 different learning styles” but the main four are Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, and Kinesthetic.
Visual Learners learn best by looking at pictures and images. Visual learners should use demonstrations, visually materials, and paint mental pictures to help them study/learn. Auditory learners learn by speaking or listening, music helps them, also rhyme and rhythm, When Auditory learners study they should repeat the material over and over until they remember it and they should talk loud when they study. Reading/Writing learners learn by reading and writing things down. They learn by rewriting their notes and rereading them, everything is about words with them. Multiple choice test are better for them. Last but not least Kinesthetic learners they are hands on learners. They learn best by doing physical activities. Their bodies have to be active for them to learn more. They like doing projects more than other work. When studying they have to draw diagrams and write things out to better understand examples help them too.
Plano High School Academy is a good school for Kinesthetic learners because all of the work there is hands on projects. Also there is no paper work every assignment is on a laptop. After taking test and researching I have came to conclusion that I am a Auditory learner. Based on the test I took I am forty-five percent Auditory, thirty-five percent Visual, and twenty percent Kinesthetic. Being an Auditory learner is one reason I didn't succeed because we learn better when the material is explained not making something up into a project. Tradition schools are better for Auditory learners because the teacher is actually teaching and explaining in the front of class. Which helps me because every test I take I always remember the stuff I heard the teacher say or the stuff I repeated to myself while studying.
Everyone has different learning styles this is why there should be more schools for different types of styles. More kids will succeed in high school. When I transferred back to Traditional schools I started making A’s and B’s compared to when I was at the Academy making C’s and one or two F’s. Also when I try to use other Learning style studying techniques I never succeed. But every time I use Auditory learning techniques I do good on my test or any other major things. For example every time I took a test or a quiz in US History I never studied but always passed with an A or B. When the teacher gave lectures I listened more than I took notes because I could remember what the teacher said more than looking back on my notes. Every question I remembered what the teacher talked about. This is why everyone should find out their learning style and use the techniques because it will help now and in the future.